首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crustacean Biology >DNA Extraction From Resting Eggs Of The Clam Shrimp Eulimnadia Texana (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata: Limnadiidae)

DNA Extraction From Resting Eggs Of The Clam Shrimp Eulimnadia Texana (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata: Limnadiidae)

机译:从蛤虾Eulimnadia Texana的卵中提取DNA(Branchiopoda:Spinicaudata:Limnadiidae)

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Large branchiopod crustaceans inhabiting ephemeral ponds are well adapted to their highly unpredictable habitat with a life cycle that includes a short-lived adult stage and a long-lived, desiccation-resistant egg stage. One well studied large branchiopod is the clam shrimp Eulimnadia texana, an androdioecious species with populations comprised of males and self-compatible hermaphrodites. Likely due to the harsh environments in which the eggs are found, e.g., dry areas with high heat and high irradiation, extraction of DNA from individual eggs for genetic analyses can be problematic. Here we report a number of modifications that we have tested allowing for increased efficiency and success in extracting high quality DNA from the eggs, nauplii, and adults of E. texana that may prove useful for similar studies of other species of large branchiopods.
机译:居住在临时池中的大型腕足类甲壳动物非常适应其高度不可预测的栖息地,其生命周期包括成年期短,抗干燥卵期长。一种经过充分研究的大型枝足类动物是蛤虾Eulimnadia texana,这是一种雌雄同体的物种,种群由雄性和自交的雌雄同体组成。可能由于发现卵的恶劣环境,例如在高温和高辐射的干燥区域,从单个卵中提取DNA进行遗传分析可能会出现问题。在这里,我们报告了许多经过测试的修饰,这些修饰可以提高效率并成功地从德州大肠杆菌的卵,无节幼体和成虫中提取高质量的DNA,这可能对其他大型支脚类动物的类似研究有用。



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