首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cytology >Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection with features of acute intestinal obstruction in a patient operated for prolapse disc.

Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection with features of acute intestinal obstruction in a patient operated for prolapse disc.


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This paper reports a rare case of Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection diagnosed on gastric aspirate smears, causing features of acute intestinal obstruction in a 65-year old patient immediately following surgery for management of a prolapsed disc at the level of L5/S1. The patient's symptoms included intermittent loose bowel movement. Four days after the patient underwent surgery for the prolapsed disc, the patient developed dysphagia for solid food followed by both solid and liquid food, and followed by vomiting with pain in the abdomen. Samples from suctioning of the patient's gastric contents showed larval forms of S. stercoralis. The patient was treated with gastro-duodenal suction drainage, replacement and maintenance of fluid, and electrolyte balance, as well as drug therapy with ivermectin for 2 weeks and albendazole for 5 days.
机译:本文报道了一例罕见的在胃穿刺涂片上确诊的硬核龙门菌感染过多的病例,该病例在手术后立即以L5 / S1的水平处理脱垂椎间盘引起了65岁患者的急性肠梗阻。患者的症状包括间歇性肠蠕动。患者接受脱垂椎间盘手术后四天,患者出现吞咽困难,先是固体食物,然后是固体和液体食物,然后呕吐,腹部疼痛。抽吸患者胃内容物的样品显示出了S. stercoralis的幼虫形式。该患者接受了十二指肠吸引引流,补充和维持体液以及电解质平衡的治疗,并接受了伊维菌素治疗2周和阿苯达唑治疗5天的药物治疗。



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