
Patient-clinician conflict: causes and compromises.


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Conflict is an everyday phenomenon, a part of everyday life. It is hardly surprising that it also occurs in a clinical setting, not only between clinicians and within teams, but also between patients, their families and clinicians. This is all the more the likely in a setting that deals with a chronic disease such as CF. The physical, emotional, social and practical burdens of the illness are such that coping mechanisms are stretched to their limits. Disagreements, misunderstandings, impaired trust and different expectations may all challenge the patient-clinician relationship. In a context in which children and adolescents form at least half the clientele, the potential for conflict is intensified because of the involvement of parents. This paper emphasises the normality of such conflicts, and using case illustrations, explains the reasons for conflicts and explores how best to resolve them. The basic principles of conflict-resolution are outlined, and useful techniques, readily applicable in everydaypractice, are described.



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