首页> 外文期刊>Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine: CCLM >Enhanced bone metabolism in vegetarians--the role of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Enhanced bone metabolism in vegetarians--the role of vitamin B12 deficiency.


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BACKGROUND: Vitamin B12 deficiency and bone fractures are common in vegetarians. However, a direct relationship between vitamin B12 status and bone metabolism in vegetarians has not been tested sufficiently. METHODS: Our study included 96 vegetarians (23 German vegans, and 54 German and 19 Indian lacto-, lacto-ovo-vegetarians) and 89 omnivores (Germans and Asian-Indian immigrants in Oman). Blood concentrations of total vitamin B12, holotranscobalamin (holoTC), 25OH-vitamin D (25(OH)D), total homocysteine (tHcy), methylmalonic acid (MMA), and the bone turnover markers (BTMs) bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), osteocalcin (OC), pro-collagen type I N-terminal peptide (PINP) and C-terminal telopeptides of collagen I (CTx) were measured. RESULTS: Vegetarians from both population groups exhibited significantly higher concentrations of tHcy, MMA, folate, and BAP, but lower concentrations of holoTC and cobalamin compared with omnivores from the same population. Additionally, German vegetarians had higher circulating activities of BAP as well as higher CTx, OC, and PINP compared with their omnivorous controls. HoloTC and MMA were correlated with OC, CTx and BAP. Subjects with low vitamin B12 status (holoTC < or =35 pmol/L and MMA >271 nmol/L) had significantly lower serum concentrations of 25(OH)D, but higher tHcy and the BTMs P1NP, BAP, OC, and CTx, compared with subjects with normal vitamin B12 status. Multiple regression analysis showed that the association between BTMs and markers of vitamin B12 status was independent from the association with 25(OH)D. Approximately 12%-14% of the variation in the concentration of BTMs was explained by a regression model including holoTC, MMA and 25(OH)D. The strictness of the diet was not related to the magnitude of change in BTMs. CONCLUSIONS: Low vitamin B12 status is related to increased bone turnover in vegetarians which is independent from vitamin D status.
机译:背景:维生素B12缺乏症和骨折在素食主义者中很常见。但是,素食者中维生素B12状况与骨骼代谢之间的直接关系尚未得到充分测试。方法:我们的研究包括96名素食者(23名德国素食者,54名德国人和19名印度乳,素食和素食素食者)和89个杂食者(在阿曼的德国人和亚洲印度裔移民)。血液中的总维生素B12,全反钴胺素(holoTC),25OH-维生素D(25(OH)D),总高半胱氨酸(tHcy),甲基丙二酸(MMA)以及骨转换指标(BTM)骨碱性磷酸酶(BAP)的血药浓度,骨钙素(OC),胶原蛋白I的I端N端肽(PINP)和C端胶原I端C端肽(CTx)进行了测量。结果:两个人群中的素食者的tHcy,MMA,叶酸和BAP浓度均显着高于同族杂食动物,但其holoTC和钴胺素的浓度却较低。此外,与杂食性对照相比,德国素食者的BAP循环活动更高,CTx,OC和PINP也更高。 HoloTC和MMA与OC,CTx和BAP相关。维生素B12状态低(holoTC <或= 35 pmol / L,MMA> 271 nmol / L)的受试者血清中25(OH)D的浓度明显较低,但tHcy较高,而BTM的P1NP,BAP,OC和CTx较高,与维生素B12状态正常的受试者相比。多元回归分析表明,BTM与维生素B12状态标记之间的关联独立于与25(OH)D的关联。 BTM浓度变化的大约12%-14%由包括holoTC,MMA和25(OH)D的回归模型解释。饮食的严格性与BTM的变化幅度无关。结论:低维生素B12状态与素食者的骨转换增加有关,这与维生素D状态无关。



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