首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Controlled Release: Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society >Corrective GUSB transfer to the caninemucopolysaccharidosis VII cornea using a helper-dependent canine adenovirus vector

Corrective GUSB transfer to the caninemucopolysaccharidosis VII cornea using a helper-dependent canine adenovirus vector


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Corneal transparency is maintained, in part, by specialized fibroblasts called keratocytes, which reside in the fibrous lamellae of the stroma. Corneal clouding, a condition that impairs visual acuity, is associatedwith numerous diseases, including mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type VII. MPS VII is due to deficiency in β-glucuronidase (β-glu) enzymatic activity, which leads to accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and secondary accumulation of gangliosides. Here, we tested the efficacy of canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) vectors to transduce keratocyte in vivo in mice and nonhuman primates, and ex vivo in dog and human corneal explants. Following efficacy studies, we asked if we could treat corneal clouding by the injection a helper-dependent (HD) CAV-2 vector (HD-RIGIE) harboring the human cDNA coding for β-glu (GUSB) in the canine MPS VII cornea. β-Glu activity, GAG content, and lysosome morphology and physiopathology were analyzed. We found that HDRIGIE injections efficiently transduced coxsackievirus adenovirus receptor-expressing keratocytes in the four species and, compared to mock-injected controls, improved the pathology in the canine MPS VII cornea. The key criterion to corrective therapy was the steady controlled release of β-glu and its diffusion throughout the collagen-dense stroma. These data support the continued evaluation of HD CAV-2 vectors to treat diseases affecting corneal keratocytes.
机译:角膜的透明性部分由称为角化细胞的专门成纤维细胞维持,该成纤维细胞位于基质的纤维层中。角膜混浊是一种损害视敏度的疾病,与多种疾病有关,包括VII型粘多糖贮积病(MPS)。 MPS VII是由于β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶(β-glu)的酶活性不足导致糖胺聚糖(GAG)积累和神经节苷脂的二次积累。在这里,我们测试了2型犬腺病毒(CAV-2)载体在小鼠和非人类灵长类动物体内以及在狗和人类角膜外植体中体外转导角膜细胞的功效。经过功效研究,我们询问是否可以通过注射犬MPS VII角膜中包含编码β-glu(GUSB)的人类cDNA的辅助依赖性(HD)CAV-2载体(HD-RIGIE)来治疗角膜混浊。分析了β-Glu活性,GAG含量,溶酶体形态和生理病理。我们发现,HDRIGIE注射有效地转导了这四个物种中表达柯萨奇病毒腺病毒受体表达的角膜细胞,并且与模拟注射的对照相比,改善了犬MPS VII角膜的病理。纠正疗法的关键标准是β-glu的稳定控制释放及其在整个胶原致密基质中的扩散。这些数据支持继续评估HD CAV-2载体以治疗影响角膜角膜细胞的疾病。



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