首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crop Improvement >Relative Efficiency of Fertilization Practices to Improve Productivity and Phosphorus Balance in Rice-Wheat Cropping System

Relative Efficiency of Fertilization Practices to Improve Productivity and Phosphorus Balance in Rice-Wheat Cropping System


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To increase and sustain crop productivity by reducing agro-chemical inputs for economic and environmental reasons, a field study was conducted on an experimental farm of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India during 2009-2012. The efficiency of three nutrient regimes, i.e., organic fertilization (OF), integrated nutrient management (INM) practice, and recommended dose of chemical fertilizers (CF) was evaluated, relative to productivity and phosphorus balance in rice (Oryza s2X&)-wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, using a split plot design. The OF practice significantly increased the productivity of rice, whereas INM practice was more beneficial for ivheat crop as far as the crop yield was concerned. The relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) of OF practice in relation to CF was 39.62%, 16.98%, and 41.93%, respectively, in the first, second, and third year of rice crop cycle, whereas with INM practice, it was 61.76%), 23.68%), and 54.16%), respectively. The soil phosphorus (P) balance after three rice-wheat crop cycles was higher with CF than with INM and OF practices, indicating low P availability and higher P accumulation in soil receiving chemical fertilizers. Both OF and INM practices recorded higher P availability and no P accumulation in soil. We concluded that OF and INM practices could be employed as an alternative to CF practices for rice-wheat cropping system, but to reduce the P depletion from soil under these practices, a shift from conventional compostto phosphorus-enriched compost prepared by amending composting substratewith animal manure/rock phosphate and its bio-augmentation with P-mineralizing/solubilizing microorganisms is desired.
机译:为了通过减少出于经济和环境原因的农业化学投入来提高和维持作物生产力,在2009-2012年期间对印度新德里的印度农业研究所的一个实验农场进行了实地研究。相对于水稻的生产力和磷平衡,评估了三种养分制度的效率,即有机施肥(OF),综合养分管理(INM)做法和化学肥料的推荐剂量(CF)相对于水稻(Oryza s2X v&)小麦(Triticum aestivum)种植系统,采用分块设计。 OF的做法大大提高了稻米的生产力,而INM的做法对农作物而言,就作物产量而言更为有利。在稻作周期的第一年,第二年和第三年,OF措施相对于CF的相对农艺有效性(RAE)分别为39.62%,16.98%和41.93%,而INM措施则为61.76% ),23.68%)和54.16%)。使用CF的三个稻-麦作物周期后的土壤磷(P)平衡高于使用INM和OF的做法,这表明接受化肥的土壤中磷的有效性较低且磷积累量较高。 OF和INM做法均记录了较高的P有效性,且土壤中无P积累。我们得出的结论是,OF和INM做法可以替代水稻-小麦种植系统的CF做法,但是为了减少这些做法下土壤中的P消耗,这是从传统的堆肥向通过修改堆肥基质与动物制备的富磷堆肥的转变期望肥料/磷酸盐磷酸盐及其通过P-矿化/增溶微生物的生物增强。



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