
Comparative Cost Analysis of Sequential, Adaptive, Behavioral, Pharmacological, and Combined Treatments for Childhood ADHD


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We conducted a cost analysis of the behavioral, pharmacological, and combined interventions employed in a sequential, multiple assignment, randomized, and adaptive trial investigating the sequencing and enhancement of treatment for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; Pelham et al., 201X; N=146, 76% male, 80% Caucasian). The quantity of resources expended on each child's treatment was determined from records that listed the type, date, location, persons present, and duration of all services provided. The inputs considered were the amount of physician time, clinician time, paraprofessional time, teacher time, parent time, medication, and gasoline. Quantities of these inputs were converted into costs in 2013 USD using national wage estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the prices of 30-day supplies of prescription drugs from the national Express Scripts service, and mean fuel prices from the Energy Information Administration. Beginning treatment with a low-dose/intensity regimen of behavior modification (large-group parent training) was less costly for a school year of treatment ($961) than beginning treatment with a low dose of stimulant medication ($1,669), regardless of whether the initial treatment was intensified with a higher dose or if the other modality was added. Outcome data from the parent study (Pelham et al., 201X) found equivalent or superior outcomes for treatments beginning with low-intensity behavior modification compared to intervention beginning with medication. Combined with the present analyses, these findings suggest that initiating treatment with behavior modification rather than medication is the more cost-effective option for children with ADHD.
机译:我们对行为,药理学和联合干预措施进行了成本分析,该干预措施用于依次,多次分配,随机和适应性试验,研究了注意力缺陷多动障碍儿童的测序和治疗增强(ADHD; Pelham等,201X ; N = 146,男性76%,白种人80%)。根据列出所有类型,日期,位置,在场人员以及所提供的所有服务的持续时间的记录,确定每个孩子治疗所需的资源量。考虑的输入是医师时间,临床医生时间,辅助专业人员时间,老师时间,父母时间,药物和汽油的量。这些输入的数量使用美国劳工统计局的国家工资估算,国家Express Scripts服务提供的30天处方药价格以及能源信息管理局的平均燃料价格换算为2013年美元的成本。从低剂量/强度行为改变疗法开始治疗(大群父母培训)在一个学年的治疗中的费用(961美元)要比低剂量刺激性药物的开始治疗(1,669美元)要低,无论是否较高的剂量或如果添加了其他方式,则加强了初始治疗。父母研究的结果数据(Pelham et al。,201X)发现,与低强度行为改变开始的治疗相比,以药物治疗开始的治疗具有相同或更好的结果。与目前的分析相结合,这些发现表明,对于行为障碍多动症的儿童而言,以行为改变而不是药物开始治疗是更具成本效益的选择。


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