
Low Vagal Tone Magnifies the Association Between Psychosocial Stress Exposure and Internalizing Psychopathology in Adolescents


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Vagal tone is a measure of cardiovascular function that facilitates adaptive responses to environmental challenge. Low vagal tone is associated with poor emotional and attentional regulation in children and has been conceptualized as a marker of sensitivity to stress. We investigated whether the associations of a wide range of psychosocial stressors with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology were magnified in adolescents with low vagal tone. Resting heart period data were collected from a diverse community sample of adolescents (ages 13-17; N=168). Adolescents completed measures assessing internalizing and externalizing psychopathology and exposure to stressors occurring in family, peer, and community contexts. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was calculated from the interbeat interval time series. We estimated interactions between RSA and stress exposure in predicting internalizing and externalizing symptoms and evaluated whether interactions differed by gender. Exposure to psychosocial stressors was associated strongly with psychopathology. RSA was unrelated to internalizing or externalizing problems. Significant interactions were observed between RSA and child abuse, community violence, peer victimization, and traumatic events in predicting internalizing but not externalizing symptoms. Stressors were positively associated with internalizing symptoms in adolescents with low RSA but not in those with high RSA. Similar patterns were observed for anxiety and depression. These interactions were more consistently observed for male than female individuals. Low vagal tone is associated with internalizing psychopathology in adolescents exposed to high levels of stressors. Measurement of vagal tone in clinical settings might provide useful information about sensitivity to stress in child and adolescent clients.
机译:迷走神经张力是衡量心血管功能的一种手段,可促进对环境挑战的适应性反应。迷走神经张力低与儿童情绪和注意力调节不良有关,已被概念化为对压力敏感的标志。我们调查了迷走神经张力低的青少年是否将广泛的社会心理压力源与内在化和外在化的心理病理学联系放大了。从不同社区的青少年样本(13-17岁; N = 168)收集了静息心动周期数据。青少年完成了评估心理病理学内在化和外在化以及暴露于家庭,同伴和社区环境中的应激源的措施。呼吸窦性心律不齐(RSA)是根据心跳间隔时间序列计算得出的。我们在预测内在和外在症状时评估了RSA与压力暴露之间的相互作用,并评估了相互作用是否因性别而异。暴露于社会心理压力源与精神病理学密切相关。 RSA与内部化或外部化问题无关。在预测内在但非外在症状时,观察到RSA与虐待儿童,社区暴力,同伴受害以及创伤事件之间存在重要的相互作用。在RSA低的青少年中,压力源与内在症状呈正相关,而在RSA高的青少年中,压力与内在症状无明显关系。观察到焦虑和抑郁的相似模式。男性比女性更能观察到这些相互作用。低迷走神经张力与暴露于高水平应激源的青少年的内在心理病理有关。在临床环境中测量迷走神经张力可能会提供有关儿童和青少年客户对压力敏感性的有用信息。


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