
Posttraumatic Symptom Structure Across Age Groups


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The applicability of diagnostic criteria of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder to the pediatric population has been a focus of much debate (e.g., Carrion, Weems, Ray, & Reiss, 2002), informing changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5). The current study examined the factor structure of posttraumatic distress among adult versus pediatric samples using confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis was performed on the DSM-IV-adherent Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (Foa, Cashman, Jaycox, & Perry, 1997) and Child Posttraumatic Symptom Scale (Foa, Johnson, Feeny, & Treadwell, 2001). The sample included 378 adult and 204 child and adolescent victims of diverse single-event traumas. A series of models based on previous findings and DSM-IV specification were evaluated. A 4-factor model (Intrusions, Avoidance, Dysphoria, and Hyperarousal), similar to the DSM-5 model, best fit the data among adults, and a different 4-factor model (Intrusion, Avodiance, Numbing, and Hyperarousal) best fit the data among children and adolescents. Despite some similarity, the posttraumatic symptom profiles of pediatric and adult samples may differ. These differences are not fully incorporated into the DSM-5, and warrant further examination.
机译:创伤后应激障碍的诊断标准对儿科人群的适用性一直是许多争论的焦点(例如,Carrion,Weems,Ray,&Reiss,2002),从而改变了《精神障碍诊断和统计手册》(第5版)。 ; DSM-5)。当前的研究使用验证性因子分析方法研究了成人和儿童样本中创伤后困扰的因素结构。分析采用DSM-IV贴合的创伤后诊断量表(Foa,Cashman,Jaycox和Perry,1997)和儿童创伤后症状量表(Foa,Johnson,Feeny和Treadwell,2001)。样本包括378名成人和204名遭受各种单一事件创伤的儿童和青少年受害者。对基于先前发现和DSM-IV规范的一系列模型进行了评估。与DSM-5模型类似,四因素模型(侵入,避免,烦躁和亢奋)最适合成年人中的数据,而不同的四因素模型(侵入,逃避,麻木和亢奋)最合适儿童和青少年之间的数据。尽管有一些相似之处,但儿科和成人样本的创伤后症状特征可能有所不同。这些差异未完全纳入DSM-5中,需要进一步检查。


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