首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computer assisted tomography >Lumbar split cord malformation with lateral hemimyelomeningocele and associated Chiari II malformation and other visceral and osseous anomalies: a case report.

Lumbar split cord malformation with lateral hemimyelomeningocele and associated Chiari II malformation and other visceral and osseous anomalies: a case report.

机译:腰裂脊髓畸形伴外侧半脑膜脑膜膨出及相关的Chiari II畸形以及其他内脏和骨性异常:一例病例报告。

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Split cord malformation and lateral hemimyelomeningocele are 2 rare spinal anomalies, which were both discovered in a female newborn. The constellation of anomalies is presented in the setting of Chiari II malformation. Cross-sectional imaging of the salient abnormalities in the form of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging along with 3-dimensional and multiplanar reformatting is highlighted.
机译:脊髓分裂畸形和侧半脑脊髓膜膨出是两种罕见的脊髓异常,均在女性新生儿中发现。在Chiari II畸形的情况下会出现异常星座。突出显示了计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像以及3维和多平面重新格式化形式的显着异常的横截面成像。



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