首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computer assisted tomography >Semiautomated segmentation of kidney from high-resolution multidetector computed tomography images using a graph-cuts technique.

Semiautomated segmentation of kidney from high-resolution multidetector computed tomography images using a graph-cuts technique.


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OBJECTIVES: To develop a semiautomated segmentation method based on a graph-cuts technique from multidetector computed tomography images for kidney segmentation and to evaluate and compare it with the conventional manual delineation segmentation method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have developed a semiautomated segmentation method that is based on a graph-cuts technique with enhanced features including automated seed growing. Multidetector computed tomography images were obtained from 15 consecutive patients who were being evaluated as possible living donors for kidney transplant. Two observers independently performed the segmentation of the kidney from the multidetector computed tomography images using the manual and semiautomated methods. The efficiency of the 2 methods were measured by segmentation processing times and then compared. The interobserver and method reproducibility was determined by Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), which measures how closely 2 segmented volumes overlap geometrically and the coefficient of variation of volume measurements. RESULTS: The mean segmentation processing time was (manual vs semiautomated, P < 0.001) 96.8 +/- 13.6 vs 13.7 +/- 3.5 minutes for observer 1 and 44.3 +/- 4.7 vs 16.2 +/- 5.1 minutes for observer 2. The mean interobserver reproducibility was (manual vs semiautomated, P < 0.001) 93.6 +/- 1.6% vs 97.3 +/- 0.9% for DSC and 5.3 +/- 2.6% vs 2.2 +/- 1.3% for coefficient of variation, indicating higher interobserver reproducibility with the semiautomated than manual method. The agreement between the 2 segmentation methods was high (mean intermethod DSC 95.8 +/- 1.0% and 94.9 +/- 0.8%) for both observers. CONCLUSIONS: The semiautomated method was significantly more efficient and reproducible than the manual delineation method for segmentation of kidney from MDCT images.
机译:目的:从多探测器计算机断层扫描图像开发一种基于图割技术的半自动分割方法,以进行肾脏分割,并将其与常规的手动轮廓分割方法进行评估和比较。材料和方法:我们开发了一种基于图割技术的半自动分割方法,该方法具有包括自动种子生长在内的增强功能。从15位连续患者中获得了多探测器计算机断层扫描图像,这些患者被评估为可能的肾脏移植活体供体。两名观察员使用手动和半自动方法从多探测器计算机断层扫描图像中独立进行了肾脏分割。通过分段处理时间测量这两种方法的效率,然后进行比较。观察者和方法的可重复性由骰子相似系数(DSC)确定,该系数测量2个分段体积在几何上的重叠程度以及体积测量的变异系数。结果:平均分割处理时间为(手动与半自动,P <0.001)观察者1为96.8 +/- 13.6 vs 13.7 +/- 3.5分钟,观察者2为44.3 +/- 4.7 vs 16.2 +/- 5.1分钟。观察者之间的平均可重复性为(手动与半自动,P <0.001)DSC为93.6 +/- 1.6%vs 97.3 +/- 0.9%,变异系数为5.3 +/- 2.6%vs 2.2 +/- 1.3%,表明观察者之间的较高半自动化的重现性高于手动方法。对于两个观察者,两种分割方法之间的一致性很高(平均方法间DSC 95.8 +/- 1.0%和94.9 +/- 0.8%)。结论:半手动方法比手动轮廓线方法从MDCT图像中分割肾脏的效率和可重复性明显更高。



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