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Preoperative intravenous midazolam: benefits beyond anxiolysis.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of midazolam on the global perioperative experience, including patient satisfaction, postoperative nausea and vomiting, postoperative pain, and perioperative anxiety and amnesia. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study. SETTING: Ambulatory surgical center affiliated with a tertiary-care hospital. PATIENTS: 88 ASA physical status I, II, and III patients scheduled for outpatient surgery. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomized into two groups to receive either 0.04 mg/kg of midazolam or placebo intravenously (IV) 20 minutes preoperatively. MEASUREMENTS: Perioperative measurements included blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation and the patient's level of anxiety; type of anesthetic administered; the anesthesiologist's guess at the treatment arm; perioperative dosages of fentanyl, morphine, and ondansetron; recovery room length of stay; frequency of nausea and vomiting, and level of postoperative pain in the 24 hours after surgery; the patient's overall satisfaction with the anesthetic, and whether the patient would recommend the premedication to a friend. MAIN RESULTS: Patient demographics, type of surgery/anesthesia, vital signs, case duration, recovery duration, and postoperative pain were all similar between the midazolam and placebo groups. As expected, IV midazolam was an effective anxiolytic. There was no evidence of retrograde amnesia. Fewer patients in the midazolam group suffered from postoperative nausea than did those in the placebo group (25%vs. 50%;p = 0.03), despite receiving similar perioperative antiemetic and opioid administration. Similarly, fewer patients in the midazolam group experienced postoperative vomiting than placebo group patients (8%vs. 21%), although this difference did not reach statistical significance. Only 42% of patients in the placebo group would recommend their premedication to a friend, compared with 85% of patients in the midazolam group (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In addition to the known anxiolytic effects of midazolam, midazolam premedication is an effective way to reduce the frequency of postoperative nausea, and perhaps vomiting, and increase patient satisfaction.
机译:研究目的:评估咪达唑仑对总体围手术期经验的影响,包括患者满意度,术后恶心和呕吐,术后疼痛以及围手术期焦虑和健忘症。设计:前瞻性,随机,安慰剂对照研究。地点:附属于三级医院的门诊外科中心。患者:88名ASA身体状况I,II和III患者计划进行门诊手术。干预措施:术前20分钟,将患者随机分为两组,分别接受0.04 mg / kg咪达唑仑或安慰剂静脉注射(IV)。测量:围手术期测量包括血压,心率和血氧饱和度以及患者的焦虑程度。麻醉剂的种类;麻醉师对治疗部门的猜测;芬太尼,吗啡和恩丹西酮的围手术期剂量;康复室的住宿时间;术后24小时内恶心和呕吐的频率以及术后疼痛的程度;患者对麻醉剂的总体满意度,以及患者是否会向朋友推荐该药。主要结果:咪达唑仑组与安慰剂组的患者人口统计学,手术/麻醉类型,生命体征,病程,恢复时间和术后疼痛均相似。不出所料,静脉注射咪达唑仑是一种有效的抗焦虑药。没有证据表明逆行性健忘症。尽管接受类似的围术期止吐和阿片类药物治疗,咪达唑仑组术后恶心的患者比安慰剂组少(25%vs. 50%; p = 0.03)。同样,与安慰剂组相比,咪达唑仑组术后呕吐的患者更少(8%vs. 21%),尽管这种差异没有统计学意义。安慰剂组中只有42%的患者会推荐给朋友服用处方药,而咪达唑仑组中有85%的患者会推荐服药(p <0.001)。结论:除已知的咪达唑仑抗焦虑作用外,咪达唑仑的前药治疗是减少术后恶心,呕吐和增加患者满意度的有效方法。



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