首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience >A Simple Method for Calculating Maximal Surface Temperature of Mine Hoister's Brake Shoe During Emergency Braking

A Simple Method for Calculating Maximal Surface Temperature of Mine Hoister's Brake Shoe During Emergency Braking


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Since the emergency braking process of the mine hoister is very short, and also because the brake shoe generally has very poor conductivity of heat, so in engineering, in order to simplify the calculation of the maximal surface temperature of the brake shoe during an emergency braking, it may be feasible to take no account of the heat that the brake shoe has transferred into the surroundings. Based on the basical theory of heat transfer and the thoughts above, a simple mathematics model for calculating the maximal surface temperature of the brake shoe, was established in the paper. By contrasting of the calculation results with the experiment and simulation values, it had shown that the model can reflect correctly the changing rules of the brake shoe's surface temperature during emergency braking, that is, the temperature rises obviously with the increasing of the initial braking velocity. Because the heat transferred into the surroundings had been ignored during modeling, so the maximal surface temperature calculated by the model is always higher than the experiment value, and the difference increases gradually with the initial braking velocity increasing. When the initial braking velocity is no higher than 12 m/s, and the braking time is less than 8 s, which is also the actual working conditions of the mine hoister in China, the maximal surface emperature of the brake shoe which is calculated by the model, is quite similar with the actual value, and the deviation is no bigger than 5%.
机译:由于矿井提升机的紧急制动过程非常短,并且由于制动蹄通常导热性很差,因此在工程上,为了简化紧急制动过程中制动蹄最高表面温度的计算,不考虑闸瓦传递到周围环境中的热量是可行的。基于传热的基本理论和上述思想,建立了一个简单的数学模型,用于计算制动蹄的最高表面温度。通过将计算结果与实验和仿真值进行对比,表明该模型可以正确反映紧急制动过程中制动蹄表面温度的变化规律,即随着初始制动速度的增加,温度明显升高。 。由于在建模过程中忽略了传递到周围环境中的热量,因此模型计算出的最高表面温度始终高于实验值,并且随着初始制动速度的增加,差异逐渐增大。当初始制动速度不高于12 m / s,制动时间小于8 s时(这也是中国矿井提升机的实际工作条件),通过以下公式计算出制动蹄的最大表面温度:该模型与实际值非常相似,偏差不大于5%。



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