首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Coastal Research: An International Forum for the Littoral Sciences >Aeolian Activity on the Northern Coast of Lake Peipsi, North-Eastern Estonia

Aeolian Activity on the Northern Coast of Lake Peipsi, North-Eastern Estonia


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Lake Peipsi is one of the largest inland water bodies in Europe. In the geological past, it was much bigger, flooding vast areas to the north of the contemporary lake. In the proglacial lakes formed behind the retreating glacier, large amounts of sand and silt accumulated, providing source material for various aeolian deposits and landforms, such as coversand hillocks, blowouts, deflation hollows, foredunes, inland and coastal dunes, and wind-eroded plains. Because of land uplift they are of different age (from the Late Glacial up to the present) and structure. The oldest dunes in the area were formed in severe climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas and the Early pre-Boreal. Near the contemporary shoreline of Lake Peipsi, the rhythmically changing water level has strongly influenced the aeolian redistribution of sediments. Here specific "basket-trap" dunes were formed behind rather huge parabolic wind ditches, which developed at sites where the vegetation cover had been locally breached by wave erosion, ice action, or human influence. In different parts of individual dunes variations in grain size and mineral composition are slight, but regional differences are noteworthy. The northern coast of Lake Peipsi has a great recreational value.
机译:百事可乐湖是欧洲最大的内陆水域之一。在过去的地质中,它更大,淹没了当代湖以北的广大地区。在后退冰川后面形成的冰河湖泊中,大量的沙子和淤泥堆积起来,为各种风沙沉积物和地貌提供了原材料,例如覆盖物和岗岗,井喷,通气孔,森林,内陆和沿海沙丘以及被风蚀的平原。由于土地隆升,它们具有不同的年龄(从晚冰河到现在)和结构。该地区最古老的沙丘是在Younger Dryas和Boreal早期的恶劣气候条件下形成的。在当代的百事可乐湖畔附近,节律性变化的水位极大地影响了沉积物的风沙重新分布。在这里,特定的“篮子陷阱”沙丘形成在相当大的抛物线形风沟的后面,该风沟发生在植被被波浪侵蚀,冰作用或人类影响局部破坏的地方。在各个沙丘的不同部分,其晶粒大小和矿物质成分的变化很小,但区域差异值得注意。百事可乐湖的北部海岸具有很大的娱乐价值。



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