首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Coastal Research: An International Forum for the Littoral Sciences >Using vessel-based LIDAR to quantify coastal erosion during El Ni?o and inter-El Ni?o periods in monterey Bay, California

Using vessel-based LIDAR to quantify coastal erosion during El Ni?o and inter-El Ni?o periods in monterey Bay, California


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Vessel-based light detection and ranging (LIDAR) was employed to collect coastal topography data and to quantify the rates of erosion and spatial distribution of coastal retreat around Monterey Bay, California during the 2008-09 (non-El Ni?o) and 2009-10 El Ni?o. These data were compared with pre/post-El Ni?o LIDAR data from 1997-98 to assess shoreline change and to test the following hypotheses: (1) that broad-scale (km) spatial distribution of erosion rates is positively correlated with wave energy, and (2) that fine-scale erosion hot spots (segments of the coastline exhibiting considerably higher rates of erosion than adjacent areas) shift at predictable alongshore wavelengths between consecutive El Ni?o and inter-El Ni?o periods. Broad-scale erosion was found to be significantly higher during the 2009-10 El Ni?o vs. the 2008-09 non-El Ni?o period in both the south (1.8 m vs. 0.1 m average) and north bays (0.5 m vs. 0.0 m average). The broad-scale distribution of erosion rates during the 2009-10 El Ni?o was positively correlated with wave energy. In southern Monterey Bay, erosion rates increased along a wave energy gradient from south to north, whereas erosion and wave energy were both focused and highest at a single location in the northern bay. Fine-scale erosion hot spots were found to occur during the 1997-98 and 2009-10 El Ni?o and the 1998-08 inter-El Ni?o period. These hot spots were found to be significantly correlated at-160 m during the 1997-98 El Ni?o to 1998-2009 inter-El Ni?o periods and 100 m during the 1998-2009 inter-El Ni?o to 2009-10 El Ni?o periods in southern Monterey Bay. Hot spots that occurred during one El Ni?o or inter-El Ni?o period shifted spatially alongshore during the subsequent El Ni?o or inter-El Ni?o period. Vessel-based LIDAR proved to be effective for detecting coastal change at high spatial resolutions and revealing fine-scale patterns of shoreline retreat.
机译:在2008-09年(非厄尔尼诺)和2009年期间,采用了基于船只的光探测和测距(LIDAR)来收集沿海地形数据,并量化加利福尼亚蒙特雷湾附近沿海撤退的侵蚀率和空间分布-10厄尔尼诺。将这些数据与1997-98年El Ni?o LIDAR之前/之后的数据进行比较,以评估海岸线变化并检验以下假设:(1)侵蚀速率的大范围(km)空间分布与波浪成正相关能量;(2)细小侵蚀热点(海岸线的部分比邻国的侵蚀率高得多)在连续的厄尔尼诺现象和厄尔尼诺现象之间的周期沿可预测的波长移动。在南部海湾(1.8 m与平均水平0.1 m)和北部海湾(0.5-10),发现2009-10厄尔尼诺期间的大规模侵蚀明显高于2008-09非厄尔尼诺时期。 m对比平均0.0 m)。 2009-10年厄尔尼诺现象期间侵蚀率的广泛分布与波能成正相关。在蒙特雷湾南部,侵蚀率沿波能梯度从南向北增加,而侵蚀和波能在北部湾的单个位置都集中且最高。发现在1997-98年和2009-10年厄尔尼诺现象期间以及1998-08年间厄尔尼诺现象期间发生了小规模侵蚀热点。发现这些热点在1997-98年厄尔尼诺现象期间至1998-2009年厄尔尼诺现象间时期为-160 m,在1998-2009年厄尔尼诺现象间时期至2009-2009年间为100 m。蒙特利湾南部的10个厄尔尼诺时期。在一个厄尔尼诺现象或厄尔尼诺现象之间的时期发生的热点在随后的厄尔尼诺现象或厄尔尼诺现象之间的时期沿海岸空间移动。事实证明,基于船只的激光雷达可以有效地检测高空间分辨率的沿海变化并揭示海岸线撤退的精细模式。



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