首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics >New error estimates of bi-cubic Hermite finite element methods for biharmonic equations

New error estimates of bi-cubic Hermite finite element methods for biharmonic equations


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For the global superconvergence over the entire solution domain originated by Lin and his colleagues [7,8], this paper gives a framework of new estimates and new proofs for the basic estimates for bounds of ∫∫_Ω(u-u_I)_(xx)v_(xx)ds, ∫∫_Ω(u-u_I)_(xy)v_(xy)ds and ∫∫_Ω(u-u_I)_(xx)v_(yy)ds, which reveal more intrinsic characteristics and easier understanding and better readable. Suppose that the solution is smooth enough and the solution domain can be split into quasiuniform rectangular elements □_(ij) with the maximal boundary length h. The study of [7, 8] dealt with only the clamped boundary condition for biharmonic equations, to obtain the global superconvergence O(h~4) in H~2 norms under uniform rectangles □_(ij) for the solution u ∈ H~6(Ω). This paper is devoted to other kinds of important boundary conditions, such as the simple support condition, the natural boundary condition and their mixed types where the different boundary conditions are subject to different edges of (partial deriv)Ω. New error estimates are derived theoretically, and verified numerically to reach the global superconvergence O(h~(3.5)) and O(h~4) for different boundary conditions on different edges of Ω under uniform □_(ij). Note that the new superconvergence estimates in this paper are essential in practical applications, because different boundary conditions are needed in 3D blending surfaces [5] and in the combined methods for singularity problems [6].
机译:对于Lin及其同事[7,8]发起的整个解决方案域的全局超收敛,本文为∫∫_Ω(u-u_I)_(xx)的边界的基本估计提供了新的估计和新的证明框架。 )v_(xx)ds,∫∫_Ω(u-u_I)_(xy)v_(xy)ds和∫∫_Ω(u-u_I)_(xx)v_(yy)ds理解力强,可读性强。假设解足够平滑,并且解域可以划分为最大边界长度为h的准均匀矩形元素__(ij)。文献[7,8]的研究仅处理双调和方程的边界条件,以获得统一矩形□_(ij)下H〜2范数在解u∈H〜下的全局超收敛O(h〜4)。 6(Ω)。本文致力于其他类型的重要边界条件,例如简单支撑条件,自然边界条件及其混合类型,其中不同的边界条件要经受(偏导数)Ω的不同边缘。理论上推导了新的误差估计,并进行了数值验证,以求出在均匀的__(ij)下Ω的不同边缘上不同边界条件下的全局超收敛O(h〜(3.5))和O(h〜4)。注意,由于3D混合曲面[5]和奇异性问题的组合方法[6]需要不同的边界条件,因此本文中新的超收敛估计在实际应用中至关重要。



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