首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >One thousand consecutive IntraLase laser in situ keratomileusis flaps.

One thousand consecutive IntraLase laser in situ keratomileusis flaps.


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PURPOSE: To measure laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) flap dimensions created with the IntraLase FS (IL) laser (Intralase Corporation). SETTING: Private practice, San Diego, California, USA. METHODS: Consecutive LASIK flaps created with the IL were measured with subtraction ultrasound at primary and enhancement surgeries. Data were stored in Outcomes Analysis Software and analyzed using MS Excel (Microsoft Corporation) and SSPS software. RESULTS: The mean achieved flap thickness exceeded the attempted by 9.4 to 34.3 mum. The standard deviation varied from +/-10.2 to +/-21.7 mum. Preoperative corneal thickness and power did not affect achieved flap thickness. Seventy-three percent of mate eye flaps were within +/-15 mum of each other for the 90 mum attempted. The same flaps measured at enhancement were thicker than the primarily measured flaps (n = 58). Diffuse lamellar keratitis and slipped flaps were eliminated with experience. There were no decentered or irregular flaps, epithelial defects, or flap perforations. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with published results of mechanical microkeratomes, the IL reduced the standard deviation of flap thickness as well as the achieved range. It eliminated physical complications associated with mechanical flap creation, and the impact of preoperative pachymetry and corneal power, thereby permitting more myopia to be corrected without risking deep ablations.
机译:目的:测量用IntraLase FS(IL)激光(Intralase Corporation)创建的激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)皮瓣尺寸。地点:美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的私人诊所。方法:在初次手术和增强手术中,通过减影超声测量由IL产生的连续LASIK皮瓣。数据存储在结果分析软件中,并使用MS Excel(微软公司)和SSPS软件进行分析。结果:获得的平均皮瓣厚度超出尝试的9.4至34.3毫米。标准偏差从+/- 10.2到+/- 21.7毫米不等。术前角膜厚度和屈光力不影响皮瓣厚度。尝试进行90个月妈妈拍打时,有73%的对方眼皮瓣彼此在+/- 15妈妈之间。增强时测量的相同皮瓣比初次测量的皮瓣厚(n = 58)。经验消除了弥漫性层状角膜炎和皮瓣打滑。没有偏心或不规则的皮瓣,上皮缺损或皮瓣穿孔。结论:与发表的机械微角膜刀结果相比,白介素减少了皮瓣厚度的标准差以及达到的范围。它消除了与机械皮瓣形成相关的物理并发症,以及术前测速计和角膜屈光力的影响,从而可以矫正更多的近视眼,而无需冒深度消融的风险。



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