首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Secondary pigmentary glaucoma associated with 1-piece foldable intraocular lens in the ciliary sulcus

Secondary pigmentary glaucoma associated with 1-piece foldable intraocular lens in the ciliary sulcus


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We report the case of an 83-year-old man who had had cataract surgery in both eyes and was being treated with timolol and dorzolamide in the right eye. Goldmann tonometry was 28 mm Hg in the right eye and 14 mm Hg in the left eye. Biomicroscopy of the right eye revealed pigment dispersion on the corneal endothelium, trabecular meshwork, and intraocular lens (IOL), as well as iris transillumination defects. After pupil dilation, a ciliary sulcus implanted 1-piece IOL and a ruptured posterior capsule could be seen. Optical coherence tomography showed a diminished nerve fiber layer. Exchange for a 3-piece IOL was performed, but the intraocular pressure (IOP) remained high. For that reason, a trabeculectomy was performed. The final IOP was 12 mm Hg, and the visual fields were stable. This case highlights the importance of IOL choice for sulcus implantation.
机译:我们报道了一例83岁的男人,他的两只眼睛都接受了白内障手术,右眼正在接受噻吗洛尔和多佐胺的治疗。高德曼眼压计在右眼为28 mm Hg,在左眼为14 mm Hg。右眼的生物显微镜检查显示色素分散在角膜内皮,小梁网和人工晶状体(IOL)上,以及虹膜透照缺陷。瞳孔散大后,可以看到睫状沟植入的1片IOL和后囊破裂。光学相干断层扫描显示神经纤维层减少。进行了3片IOL的交换,但眼压(IOP)仍然很高。因此,进行了小梁切除术。最终的IOP为12毫米汞柱,视野稳定。这种情况凸显了选择人工晶状体对于沟植入的重要性。



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