首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Refractive surprise after piggyback intraocular lens implantation.

Refractive surprise after piggyback intraocular lens implantation.


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Venzano al.1 have described a technique of Desce-met membrane air-bubble separation. We also use an. _ air-assisted (reverse big bubble)2 technique to prepare Descemet membrane for Descemet membrane endo-thelial keratoplasty. In our method, a corneoscleral button is placed endothelial side up on a Barron donor punch and fixed by grasping the outer scleral edge with a 0.12 forceps. A 27-gauge bevel-up needle attached to a 2 mL syringe filled with air is inserted into the posterior stroma with the entry point located just outside Schwalbe line. The needle is advanced to the central cornea. Air is gently injected to make a big bubble, detaching Descemet membrane from the posterior stroma. Injecting into the endothelial side-up corneoscleral button allows us better visualization and makes the procedure more feasible, less instrument dependent, and less traumatic.
机译:Venzano等人1描述了一种Desce-met膜气泡分离技术。我们也用一个。 _空气辅助(反向大气泡)2技术制备Descemet膜,用于Descemet膜内皮上皮角膜移植术。在我们的方法中,将角膜巩膜纽扣置于Barron供体打孔器上的内皮一侧,并通过0.12镊子抓住巩膜外缘进行固定。将连接到2 mL充满空气的注射器上的27号斜口针插入后基质,入口点位于Schwalbe线的外侧。针前进到角膜中央。轻轻注入空气以形成大气泡,使后壁基质上的Descemet膜脱离。往上朝上注射内皮角膜巩膜纽扣可以使我们更好地可视化,并使手术更可行,对仪器的依赖性更小且创伤更少。



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