首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cataract and refractive surgery >Variations in corneal biomechanical parameters and central corneal thickness during the menstrual cycle.

Variations in corneal biomechanical parameters and central corneal thickness during the menstrual cycle.


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PURPOSE: To assess variations in the biomechanical properties and central corneal thickness (CCT) throughout the female menstrual cycle. SETTING: Department of Ophthalmology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin Israel. DESIGN: Case series. METHODS: Young healthy women were prospectively recruited. Every participant was assessed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, at ovulation, and at the end of the cycle. At every time point, corneal hysteresis (CH) and the corneal resistance factor (CRF) were measured with the Ocular Response Analyzer and the CCT was measured with an ultrasonic pachymeter. RESULTS: Twenty-two eyes of 22 women (mean age 19.5 years +/- 1.5 [SD]) were included. The CH was statistically significantly decreased at ovulation (10.1 mm Hg) compared with the beginning (11.1 mm Hg, P<.001) and the end (11.4 mm Hg, P<.001) of the cycle. The CRF was also significantly decreased at ovulation (9.8 mm Hg) compared with the beginning (10.6 mm Hg, P<.001) and the end (10.5 mm Hg, P<.001) of the cycle. The central cornea was thinnest at the beginning (535 mum) and statistically significantly thicker at ovulation (542 mum, P<.001) and at the end of the menstrual cycle (543 mum, P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: The CCT and biomechanical parameters significantly varied during the menstrual cycle. The CH and CRF were temporarily decreased at ovulation. The cornea was thinnest at the beginning and thicker at ovulation and at the end of the cycle. Such corneal changes may be important to consider during screening of candidates for laser refractive surgery.
机译:目的:评估整个​​女性月经周期中生物力学特性和中央角膜厚度(CCT)的变化。地点:以色列Zerifin的Assaf Harofeh医学中心眼科。设计:案例系列。方法:前瞻性招募年轻健康女性。在月经周期开始,排卵时和周期结束时对每个参与者进行评估。在每个时间点,使用眼反应分析仪测量角膜滞后(CH)和角膜抵抗因子(CRF),并使用超声波测厚仪测量CCT。结果:包括22名女性的22眼(平均年龄19.5岁+/- 1.5 [SD])。与排卵周期的开始(11.1 mm Hg,P <.001)和结束(11.4 mm Hg,P <.001)相比,排卵时CH(10.1 mm Hg)在统计学上显着降低。与周期的开始(10.6 mm Hg,P <.001)和结束(10.5 mm Hg,P <.001)相比,排卵时的CRF(9.8 mm Hg)也显着降低。中央角膜在开始时最薄(535 mum),在排卵时(542 mum,P <.001)和月经周期结束时(543 mum,P <.001)在统计学上明显更厚。结论:月经周期中的CCT和生物力学参数显着不同。 CH和CRF在排卵时暂时降低。角膜在开始时最薄,在排卵时和周期结束时较厚。在筛选用于激光屈光手术的候选人时,应考虑这些角膜变化。



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