首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Catalysis >DRIFT study of molecular and dissociative adsorption of light paraffins by HZSM-5 zeolite modified with zinc ions:methane adsorption

DRIFT study of molecular and dissociative adsorption of light paraffins by HZSM-5 zeolite modified with zinc ions:methane adsorption


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DRIFT study of methane adsorption by ZnZSM-5 zeolites prepared by incipient wetness impregnation or by chemical reaction of the initial hydrogen form with zinc vapor at 770 K indicated an unusually broad DRIFT band with a maximum at 2805 cm~(-1).This frequency is more than 200 cm~(-1)lower than the asymmetric v_3 C-H stretching mode of gaseous methane and more than 100 cm~(-1)lower than the symmetric v_1 stretching frequency.Methane adsorption by zinc cations is much stronger than that by the bridging hydroxyl groups or sodium ions.At 473 K adsorbed methane is involved in heterolytic dissociation,resulting in formation of bridging hydroxyl groups and zinc alkyls.Such dissociative adsorption blocks the sites for subsequent molecular adsorption of methane or hydrogen.In accordance with our previous results on hydrogen adsorption,we conclude that the dissociative methane adsorption occurs on acid-base pairs with distantly separated Zn~2+ ions and basic oxygen atoms of the zeolite framework.Unusually large perturbation and dissociation of methane at the relatively low temperature are connected with only partial compensation of the positive electric charges of Zn~2+ ions at such sites.
机译:DRIFT研究表明,ZnZSM-5沸石通过初始湿润浸渍或初始氢形式与锌蒸气在770 K的化学反应制得的甲烷吸附表明异常宽的DRIFT谱带在2805 cm〜(-1)处最大。比气态甲烷的不对称v_3 CH拉伸模式低200 cm〜(-1),比对称v_1拉伸频率低100 cm〜(-1)。锌阳离子对甲烷的吸附作用强于473 K吸附的甲烷参与杂解离解,导致桥连的羟基和烷基锌的形成。这种离解性吸附阻止了随后对甲烷或氢进行分子吸附的位点。氢吸附的结果,我们得出结论,离解性甲烷吸附发生在沸石与骨架的Zn〜2 +离子和碱性氧原子相距很远的酸碱对上k。在相对较低的温度下甲烷异常大的扰动和离解仅与部分位置处Zn〜2 +离子的正电荷的部分补偿有关。



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