首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical nursing >The effect of training administered to working mothers on maternal anxiety levels and breastfeeding habits

The effect of training administered to working mothers on maternal anxiety levels and breastfeeding habits


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Aim and objective. This study was conducted to determine the effect of training administered to working mothers and its duration on maternal anxiety levels and breastfeeding habits. Background. Within the scope of Health for All in the 21st Century project, a goal was set to increase the rate of infants fed exclusively by breastfeeding during the first six months of life to 80% by the year 2015. Design. A randomised design with repeated measures. Methods. During collection of pretest data, a Personal Information Form, a Questionnaire Form and a State Trait Anxiety Inventory were administered to the mothers in the experimental and control groups. Five home visits were conducted starting two weeks before the date when mothers returned to work and ending when the infants became six months old. Breastfeeding techniques were taught to these mothers. Data were subjected to Proc MEAN, FREQ, anova and GENMOD procedures. Results. The rate of natural feeding (breastfeeding exclusively) among trained mothers was greater than untrained mothers. The frequency of breastfeeding affects maternal anxiety levels; the anxiety level of mothers decreased with increasing frequency of breastfeeding. Conclusion. Educating working mothers about breastfeeding reduces their anxiety levels and influences positively their breastfeeding habits. Relevance to clinical practice. With the support of health-care staff to increase awareness and knowledge on the value and sufficiency of breast milk, the rate and period of natural feeding increased significantly among working mothers.
机译:目的和目标。进行这项研究是为了确定对职业母亲进行的培训及其持续时间对产妇焦虑水平和母乳喂养习惯的影响。背景。在“ 21世纪人人享有健康”项目的范围内,设定了一个目标,即到2015年将仅靠母乳喂养的婴儿出生后头六个月的比例提高到80%。设计。具有重复测量的随机设计。方法。在收集测试前数据的过程中,对实验组和对照组的母亲进行了“个人信息表”,“问卷调查表”和“国家特质焦虑量表”。从母亲重返工作日期的两周开始,到婴儿六个月大时结束,进行了五次家访。向这些母亲传授了母乳喂养技术。数据经过Proc MEAN,FREQ,anova和GENMOD程序处理。结果。受过训练的母亲的自然喂养率(仅母乳喂养)比未经训练的母亲要高。母乳喂养的频率会影响产妇的焦虑程度;母亲的焦虑程度随着母乳喂养频率的增加而降低。结论。对在职母亲进行母乳喂养教育会降低她们的焦虑程度,并积极影响她们的母乳喂养习惯。与临床实践有关。在医护人员的支持下,提高了对母乳的价值和充足性的认识和知识,在职母亲的自然喂养率和期间显着增加。



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