首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical nursing >Commentary on Shields L (2010) Questioning family-centred care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 2629-2638.

Commentary on Shields L (2010) Questioning family-centred care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 2629-2638.

机译:Shields L(2010)的评论质疑以家庭为中心的护理。临床护理杂志19,2629-2638。

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Socially constructed in its evolution and stemming from the need to recognise the psychosocial needs of hospitalised children, family-centred care (FCC) as a pioneering ideology has developed and advanced not without its challenges, as Shields outlines in her discursive paper 'questioning family-centred care'. However, as Shields highlights, there is limited empirically derived knowledge on the effectiveness of FCC for hospitalised children. One attribution to the difficulty of effective evaluation of FCC, in terms of improved outcomes for families, and more substantially for the child patient him or herself could be its ill-defined nature (Corlett & Twycross 2006).
机译:Shields在其题为“质疑家庭的问题”的论文中概述了以家庭为中心的护理(FCC)作为一种开创性意识形态的先驱意识形态,它的发展源于对住院儿童的社会心理需求的认识,并由此发展起来。集中护理”。但是,正如Shields所强调的那样,关于FCC对住院儿童的有效性的经验得出的知识有限。对FCC进行有效评估的困难的一个归因是其不确定性(Corlett&Twycross 2006)。



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