首页> 外文期刊>Journal of community health >Recent incarceration linked to cutaneous injection-related infections among active injection drug users in a Canadian setting.

Recent incarceration linked to cutaneous injection-related infections among active injection drug users in a Canadian setting.


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Cutaneous injection-related infections (CIRI), such as abscesses and cellulitis, are the cause of a substantial burden of morbidity and mortality among injection drug users (IDU). The possible contribution of exposure to correctional environments to CIRI risk has not been fully investigated. Thus, we sought to test the possible relationship between incarceration and CIRI using data from a community-based sample of IDU. Data for these analyses was from the Scientific Evaluation of Supervised Injecting (SEOSI) cohort, linked with administrative records of a local ED in Vancouver, Canada. Using longitudinal analysis we assessed the relationship between the number of ED visits for CIRI care and recent incarceration in a multivariate model including information on possible confounders. Between June 2004 and December 2006, 901 individuals were eligible for our analysis. Of these, 214 (9.6%) visited the ED for CIRI care at least once during the study period. The incidence of ED care for CIRI was 72.9 per 100 person years. In a multivariate model, recent incarceration was associated with a greater number of ED visits for CIRI care (adjusted relative rate = 1.56, 95% confidence interval: 1.31-1.85, P < 0.001). The need for ED treatment for CIRI was common among a sample of local IDU. Exposure to correctional environments was an independent risk factor for visiting the ED for CIRI care, suggesting improvements in infection control in local prisons is urgently needed.
机译:皮肤注射相关感染(CIRI),如脓肿和蜂窝组织炎,是注射吸毒者(IDU)发病和死亡的重担。尚未充分研究暴露于教养环境中可能导致CIRI风险的因素。因此,我们试图使用来自社区的IDU样本数据来测试监禁与CIRI之间的可能关系。这些分析的数据来自“监督注射的科学评估”(SEOSI)队列,并与加拿大温哥华当地ED的行政记录相关联。使用纵向分析,我们以多变量模型(包括可能的混杂因素信息)评估了用于CIRI护理的急诊就诊次数与近期监禁之间的关系。在2004年6月至2006年12月之间,有901个人符合我们的分析条件。在研究期间,其中214名(9.6%)至少去过一次ED进行CIRI护理。 ED护理CIRI的发生率为每100人年72.9。在多变量模型中,最近的入狱与CIRI护理的急诊就诊次数增加相关(调整后的相对比率= 1.56,95%置信区间:1.31-1.85,P <0.001)。局部IDU样本中普遍需要对CIRI进行ED治疗。暴露在矫正环境中是访问急诊科进行CIRI护理的独立风险因素,这表明迫切需要改善当地监狱的感染控制。



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