首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Colloid and Interface Science >Avidin self-associates with boric acid gel suspensions:an affinity boron carrier that might be developed for boron neutron-capture therapy

Avidin self-associates with boric acid gel suspensions:an affinity boron carrier that might be developed for boron neutron-capture therapy


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It has been shown in preliminary studies that the antibacterial protein avidin self-associates with the boric acid gel polymer,and avidin-caoged gel particles in the micrometer and submicrometer size ranges are of interest for boron neutron-capture therapy (BNCT),which is neutron-induced fission of boron-10 to produce intense alpha radiation for tumor destruction.The gel particles carry large amounts of boron-10 and are theoretically able effect a meaningful tissue dosing through BNCT.A gross precipitation of gel particles occurs within 46 min of mixing when the avidin/colloid ratio is about 0.34 g avidin/g colloid.This is a minimum time of gel and avidin concentrations are in the lwo microgram/millititer range,but at higher proportions of avidin the time delay to precipitation increases significantly;i.e.,the colloid surface becomes blcoks,inhibiting lattice formation.The avidin-coated gel particles eventually cross-link,forming a solid matrix and precipitating on a timescale measured on the order of an hour.At shorter exposure times rapid agglutination-like reactiosn were observed with biotinylated bovine albumin,suggesting that two-stage pretargeting of specific tissues should be possible with biotinylated antitumor antibodies.However,for BNCT to be practical,avidin's interaction with the gel needs to be strengthened,and all aryl-B(OH)_2 groups on the particle surfaces must be blocked,or else the particles will interact strongly and nonspecifically with each other and with the carbohdyrate groups present on msot cell surface.Glyceric acid delays the precipitation of the particle suspensions while most simple and complex carbohydrates accelerate it.
机译:初步研究表明,抗菌蛋白抗生物素蛋白与硼酸凝胶聚合物自缔合,在微米和亚微米尺寸范围内,抗生物素蛋白形成的凝胶颗粒对于硼中子俘获疗法(BNCT)感兴趣中子诱导的10号硼裂变产生强烈的α辐射以破坏肿瘤。凝胶颗粒携带大量的10号硼,理论上能够通过BNCT进行有意义的组织剂量.46分钟内,凝胶颗粒发生了总体沉淀当抗生物素蛋白/胶体比例为约0.34 g抗生物素蛋白/ g胶体时进行混合,胶体表面变成块状,抑制晶格形成。抗生物素蛋白包被的凝胶颗粒最终交联,形成固体基质并在所测量的时间尺度上沉淀在较短的暴露时间下,用生物素化的牛白蛋白观察到快速凝集样反应,这表明用生物素化的抗肿瘤抗体可以对特定组织进行两阶段的预靶向。需要加强凝胶作用,并且必须封闭颗粒表面上的所有芳基-B(OH)_2基团,否则颗粒将彼此之间以及与msot细胞表面上存在的碳酸盐基团发生强烈且非特异性的相互作用。酸会延迟颗粒悬浮液的沉淀,而大多数简单和复杂的碳水化合物会加速沉淀。



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