首页> 外文期刊>Journal of combinatorial designs >Optimal tight equi-difference conflict-avoiding codes of length n = 2 ~k ± 1 and weight 3

Optimal tight equi-difference conflict-avoiding codes of length n = 2 ~k ± 1 and weight 3

机译:长度为n = 2〜k±1且权重为3的最佳紧密等差避免冲突码

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For a k-subset X of Zn, the set of differences on X is the set ΔX={i-j (mod n): i,jεX,i≠j}. A conflict-avoiding code CAC of length n and weight k is a collection C of k-subsets of Zn such that ΔXΔY = ? for any distinct X,YεC. Let CAC(n,k) be the class of all the CACs of length n and weight k. The maximum size of codes in CAC(n, k) is denoted by M(n,k). A code Cε CAC(n, k) is said to be optimal if |C| = M(n,k). An optimal code C is tight equi-difference if |CΔX = Zn{0} and each codeword in C is of the form {0,i,2i,□,(k-1)i}. In this paper, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence problem of optimal tight equi-difference conflict-avoiding codes of length n = 2k~±1 and weight 3 are given.
机译:对于Zn的k个子集X,X上的差异集为集合ΔX= {i-j(mod n):i,jεX,i≠j}。长度为n,权重为k的避免冲突代码CAC是Zn的k个子集的集合C,使得ΔXΔY=?对于任何不同的X,YεC。令CAC(n,k)为长度为n和权重为k的所有CAC的类别。 CAC(n,k)中代码的最大大小由M(n,k)表示。如果| C |,则认为代码CεCAC(n,k)是最优的。 = M(n,k)。如果|CΔX= Zn {0},并且C中的每个码字的格式为{0,i,2i,□,(k-1)i},则最优代码C是紧密等差的。给出了长度为n = 2k〜±1,权重为3的最优紧等差冲突避免码的存在问题的充要条件。



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