首页> 外文期刊>Journal of combinatorial designs >Dihedral hamiltonian cycle systems of the cocktail party graph

Dihedral hamiltonian cycle systems of the cocktail party graph


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The existence problem for a Hamiltonian cycle decomposition of K _(2n)-I (the so called cocktail party graph) with a dihedral automorphism group acting sharply transitively on the vertices is completely solved. Such Hamiltonian cycle decompositions exist for all even n while, for n odd, they exist if and only if the following conditions hold: (i) n is not a prime power; (ii) there is a suitable l such that p 1 (mod 2 ~l) for all prime factors p of n and the number of the prime factors (counted with their respective multiplicities) such that p 1 (mod 2l+1) is even. Thus in particular one has a dihedral Hamiltonian cycle decomposition of the cocktail party graph on 8k vertices for all k, while it is known that no such cyclic Hamiltonian cycle decomposition exists. Finally, this paper touches on a recently introduced symmetry requirement by proving that there exists a dihedral and symmetric Hamiltonian cycle system of K _(2n)-I if and only if n 2 (mod 4).
机译:完全解决了K_(2n)-I(所谓的鸡尾酒会图)的哈密顿循环分解的存在问题,其中二面体自同构群在顶点上急剧传递。对于所有偶数n都存在这种哈密顿循环分解,而对于n个奇数,当且仅当以下条件成立时,它们才存在:(i)n不是素数; (ii)有一个合适的l,使得n的所有素数p的p 1(mod 2〜l)和素数的数量(以其各自的乘数计算)使得p 1(mod 2l + 1)为甚至。因此,特别是对于所有k在8k个顶点上具有混合鸡尾酒图的二面哈密顿循环分解,而众所周知不存在这种循环哈密顿循环分解。最后,通过证明存在且仅当n 2(mod 4)为K _(2n)-I的二面和对称哈密顿循环系统,从而满足了最近引入的对称性要求。



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