首页> 外文期刊>Journal of combinatorial designs >A S(3,{4,6}, 18) with a Subdesign S(3,4,8) Does Not Exist

A S(3,{4,6}, 18) with a Subdesign S(3,4,8) Does Not Exist


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For K subset of {1, 2, 3,...}, a S(t, K, v) design is a pair, (V, B), with vertical bar V vertical bar = v and B a set of subsets of V such that each t-subset of V is contained in a unique alpha is an element of B and vertical bar alpha vertical bar is an element of K for all alpha is an element of B. If U subset of V, vertical bar U vertical bar = u, A = (alpha is an element of B : alpha subset of U}, and (U, A) is a S(t, K, U) design, then we say (V, S) has a subdesign on U. We show that a S(3, 14, 6), 18) design with a subdesign S(3, 4, 8) does not exist.
机译:对于{1,2,3,...}的K个子集,S(t,K,v)设计是一对(V,B),其中垂直线V垂直线= v,B是一组子集V使得V的每个t子集包含在唯一的alpha中是B的元素,垂直条alpha垂直条是K的元素,而所有alpha是B的元素。如果V的U子集,则垂直条U竖线= u,A =(alpha是B的元素:U的alpha子集,并且(U,A)是S(t,K,U)设计,那么我们说(V,S)具有子设计我们证明不存在带有子设计S(3,4,8)的S(3,14,6),18)设计。



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