首页> 外文期刊>Journal of combinatorial designs >Partitions of finite vector spaces into subspaces

Partitions of finite vector spaces into subspaces


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Let Vn(q) denote a vector space of dimension n over the field with q elements. A set of subspaces of Vn(q) is a partition of Vn(q) if every nonzero element of Vn(q) is contained in exactly one element of . Suppose there exists a partition of Vn(q) into xi subspaces of dimension ni, 1 i k. Then x1, , xk satisfy the Diophantine equation . However, not every solution of the Diophantine equation corresponds to a partition of Vn(q). In this article, we show that there exists a partition of Vn(2) into x subspaces of dimension 3 and y subspaces of dimension 2 if and only if 7x + 3y = 2n - 1 and y 1. In doing so, we introduce techniques useful in constructing further partitions. We also show that partitions of Vn(q) induce uniformly resolvable designs on qn points.
机译:令Vn(q)表示具有q个元素的场上维数为n的向量空间。如果Vn(q)的每个非零元素都恰好包含在中,则Vn(q)的子空间集就是Vn(q)的分区。假设存在一个将Vn(q)划分为尺寸为ni,1 i k的xi个子空间的分区。则x1,xk满足Diophantine方程。但是,并非丢番图方程的每个解都对应于Vn(q)的分区。在本文中,我们证明存在且仅当7x + 3y = 2n-1和y 1时,Vn(2)才存在于3维的x个子空间和2维的y个子空间中。在构造进一步的分区时很有用。我们还表明,Vn(q)的分区在qn点上引起均匀可解析的设计。



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