首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Climate >Long-Term Variations of the Kuroshio Extension Path in Winter: Meridional Movement and Path State Change

Long-Term Variations of the Kuroshio Extension Path in Winter: Meridional Movement and Path State Change


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As an indicator of the Kuroshio Extension (KB) path, the KE northern boundary (KENB) was detected based on the position of the strong winter sea surface temperature (SST) gradient between 142 degrees and 155 degrees E, using high spatial resolution satellite-derived SST for the 30 winters (January to March) from 1982 to 2011. The KE path showed meridional movement with a period of 10-15 yr and an amplitude of about 2 degrees latitude. The changes in latitudinal position of the KE path were initiated by a north-south shift of the Aleutian low (AL). Negative wind stress curl anomalies around 35 degrees N in the eastern North Pacific associated with a northward shift of the AL induced a deepening of the main thermocline depth, and then this deepening signal propagated westward, reaching the KE region after about 3 yr, where it caused the KB path to move northward. The path state of the KB (straight path/convoluted path) modulated on a time scale of 8-12 yr, but this was not significantly correlated with the meridional movement of the KB path. The anticyclonic eddies containing warm-salty water that detached northward from the convoluted KE exerted a strong influence on oceanic conditions in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Confluence (KOC) region. The changes in path state of the KE were related to the path of the Kuroshio south of Japan over the long term; a convoluted (straight) KE path was associated with the Kuroshio taking the offshore nonlarge (nearshore nonlarge or typical large) meander path
机译:作为黑潮扩展(KB)路径的指标,使用高空间分辨率卫星,根据142度和155度东之间的强冬季海表温度(SST)梯度的位置,检测到KE北部边界(KENB)-得出1982年至2011年的30个冬季(1月至3月)的SST。KE路径显示出经向运动,周期为10-15年,振幅约为2度。 KE路径的纬度位置变化是由阿留申低点(AL)的南北偏移引起的。在北太平洋东部,北纬35度左右的负风应力卷曲异常与AL的北移有关,导致主温跃层深度加深,然后该加深信号向西传播,在大约3年后到达KE区,在那里导致KB路径向北移动。 KB的路径状态(直线路径/卷积路径)以8至12年的时间尺度进行调制,但这与KB路径的子午运动没有显着相关。从旋回的KE向北脱离的含有旋咸水的反旋涡对黑潮-大潮汇合(KOC)地区的海洋条件产生了强烈影响。长期来看,KE的路径状态变化与日本南部黑潮的路径有关。一条曲折的(直线)KE路径与黑潮相关联,采取了离岸非大(近岸非大或典型大)曲折路径



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