首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Climate >North Pacific Climate Response to Freshwater Forcing in the Subarctic North Atlantic:Oceanic and Atmospheric Pathways

North Pacific Climate Response to Freshwater Forcing in the Subarctic North Atlantic:Oceanic and Atmospheric Pathways


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Sudden changes of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) are believed to have caused large, abrupt climate changes over many parts of the globe during the last glacial and deglacial period. This study investigates the mechanisms by which a large freshwater input to the subarctic North Atlantic and an attendant rapid weakening of the AMOC influence North Pacific climate by analyzing four different ocean-atmosphere coupled general circulation models (GCMs) under present-day or preindustrial boundary conitions. When the coupled GCMs are forced with a 1-Sv (Sv = 10~6 m~3 s~(-1)) freshwater flux anomaly in the subarctic North Atlantic, the AMOC nearly shuts down and the North Atlantic cools significantly. The South Atlantic warms slightly, shifting the Atlantic intertropical convergence zone southward. In addition to this Atlantic ocean-atmosphere response, all of the models exhibit cooling of the North Pacific, especially along the oceanic frontal zone, consistent with paleoclimate reconstructions. The models also show deepening of the wintertime Aleutian low. Detailed analysis of one coupled GCM identifies both oceanic and atmospheric pathways from the Atlantic to the North Pacific. The oceanic teleconnection contributes a large partof the North Pacific cooling: the freshwater input to the North Atlantic raises sea level in the Arctic Ocean and reverses the Bering Strait throughflow, transporting colder, fresher water from the Arctic Ocean into the North Pacific. When the Bering Strait is closed, the cooling is greatly reduced, while the Aleutian low response is enhanced. Tropical SST anomalies in both the Atlantic and Pacific are found to be important for the equivalent barotropic response of the Aleutian low during boreal winter.The atmospheric bridge from the tropical North Atlantic is particularly important and quite sensitive to the mean state, which is poorly simulated in many coupled GCMs. The enhanced Aleutian low, in turn, cools the North Pacific by increasing surface heat fluxes and southward Ekman transport. The closure of the Bering Strait during the last glacial period suggests that the atmospheric bridge from the tropics and air-sea interaction in the North Pacific played a crucial role in the AMOC-North Pacific teleconnection.
机译:据信,在过去的冰川期和冰川期,大西洋子午翻转环流(AMOC)的突然变化已在全球许多地方造成了剧烈的气候变化。本研究通过分析当今或工业界前边界条件下的四种不同的海-气耦合全环流模型(GCM),研究了向北极北大西洋注入大量淡水以及随之而来的AMOC迅速减弱影响北太平洋气候的机制。 。当耦合的GCM被迫在北大西洋亚大西洋上出现1-Sv(Sv = 10〜6 m〜3 s〜(-1))淡水通量异常时,AMOC几乎关闭,北大西洋明显冷却。南大西洋略有变暖,将大西洋热带交汇带向南移动。除了这种对大西洋-大气的响应外,所有模型都显示出北太平洋的降温,特别是沿海洋额叶带的降温,这与古气候重建一致。这些模型还显示出冬季阿留申低点的加深。对一个耦合的GCM的详细分析确定了从大西洋到北太平洋的海洋和大气路径。海洋遥相关是北太平洋冷却的主要部分:北大西洋的淡水输入增加了北冰洋的海平面,并使白令海峡逆流,将较冷的淡水从北冰洋输送到北太平洋。关闭白令海峡时,冷却会大大降低,而阿留申式低响应性则会增强。大西洋和太平洋地区的热带海表温度异常对于北方冬季冬季阿留申低压的等效正压响应都很重要。北大西洋热带的大气桥特别重要,并且对平均状态非常敏感,这很难模拟在许多耦合的GCM中。增强的阿留申低压通过增加地表热通量和向南的埃克曼输运反过来冷却了北太平洋。在上一个冰川期白令海峡的关闭表明,来自热带的大气桥和北太平洋的海-气相互作用在AMOC-北太平洋遥相关中起着至关重要的作用。



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