首页> 外文期刊>Clinical infectious diseases >Seasonal drivers of pneumococcal disease incidence: Impact of bacterial carriage and viral activity

Seasonal drivers of pneumococcal disease incidence: Impact of bacterial carriage and viral activity


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Background. Winter-seasonal epidemics of pneumococcal disease provide an opportunity to understand the drivers of incidence. We sought to determine whether seasonality of invasive pneumococcal disease is caused by increased nasopharyngeal transmission of the bacteria or increased susceptibility to invasive infections driven by cocirculating winter respiratory viruses.Methods. We analyzed pneumococcal carriage and invasive disease data collected from children <7 years old in the Navajo/White Mountain Apache populations between 1996 and 2012. Regression models were used to quantify seasonal variations in carriage prevalence, carriage density, and disease incidence. We also fit a multivariate model to determine the contribution of carriage prevalence and RSV activity to pneumococcal disease incidence while controlling for shared seasonal factors.Results. The seasonal patterns of invasive pneumococcal disease epidemics varied significantly by clinical presentation: bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia incidence peaked in late winter, whereas invasive nonpneumonia pneumococcal incidence peaked in autumn. Pneumococcal carriage prevalence and density also varied seasonally, with peak prevalence occurring in late autumn. In a multivariate model, RSV activity was associated with significant increases in bacteremic pneumonia cases (attributable percentage, 15.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8%-26.1%) but was not associated with invasive nonpneumonia infections (8.0%; 95% CI, -4.8% to 19.3%). In contrast, seasonal variations in carriage prevalence were associated with significant increases in invasive nonpneumonia infections (31.4%; 95% CI, 8.8%-51.4%) but not with bacteremic pneumonia.Conclusions.The seasonality of invasive pneumococcal pneumonia could be due to increased susceptibility to invasive infection triggered by viral pathogens, whereas seasonality of other invasive pneumococcal infections might be primarily driven by increased nasopharyngeal transmission of the bacteria.
机译:背景。肺炎球菌疾病的冬季季节性流行病为了解发病原因提供了机会。我们试图确定侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病的季节性是否是由于细菌的鼻咽传播增加或由冬季循环呼吸道病毒驱动的对侵袭性感染的敏感性增加所致。我们分析了1996年至2012年间从纳瓦霍人/怀特山阿帕奇地区的7岁以下儿童中收集的肺炎球菌携带和侵袭性疾病数据。回归模型用于量化运输患病率,运输密度和疾病发生率的季节性变化。我们还拟合了一个多变量模型,以确定运输流行率和RSV活性对肺炎球菌疾病发生率的影响,同时控制共享的季节性因素。侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病流行的季节性模式因临床表现而有显着差异:细菌性肺炎球菌肺炎的发病率在冬季晚期达到峰值,而侵袭性非肺炎肺炎球菌的发病率在秋季达到峰值。肺炎球菌的流行率和密度也随季节变化,在深秋流行率最高。在多变量模型中,RSV活性与细菌性肺炎病例的显着增加有关(可归因的百分比为15.5%; 95%的置信区间[CI]为1.8%-26.1%),但与浸润性非肺炎感染无关(8.0%; 95) %CI,-4.8%至19.3%)。相比之下,运输患病率的季节性变化与侵袭性非肺炎感染显着增加有关(31.4%; 95%CI,8.8%-51.4%),而与细菌性肺炎无关。病毒病原体引发的侵袭性感染易感性,而其他侵袭性肺炎球菌感染的季节性可能主要由细菌的鼻咽传播增加引起。



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