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Free Energy Relationships in Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry


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Free energy relationships,which were independently discovered and developed by Br0nsted and Hammett in the early 1920s,have been of inestimable importance in the elucidation of organic and bio-organic reaction mechanisms in the intervening eight decades.Unfortunately,I suspect that most organic chemists have little more than a rudimentary knowledge of this vast and very important subject.Even though I have taught the fundamentals of the subject on numerous occasions to graduate students and upper division chemistry majors and have successfully used the methodology in one of my research papers (1),I feel inadequate on the rare occasions when I read a paper dealing with a bio-organic reaction mechanism.All of us know that there is just too much material for any scientist to master these days.Nonetheless,if the need arose,for example,in a research project,where would a mechanistic,physical,or even a synthetic organic chemist go to become more fluent in the use of free energy relationships? What is a good resource when we teach this material to undergraduate and graduate students? I believe the answer to both questions is the book under review:Free Energy Relationships in Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry.Andrew Williams of the University of Kent (England)has written three other books and has studied the mechanisms of organic and bio-organic reactions for close to 40 years.
机译:由布罗斯特(Br0nsted)和哈米特(Hammett)于1920年代早期独立发现和发展的自由能关系,在过去的八十年中对阐明有机和生物有机反应机制起着不可估量的作用。不幸的是,我怀疑大多数有机化学家已经尽管我已经在许多场合向研究生和高等化学专业的学生教授了该主题的基础知识,并且在我的一篇研究论文中成功地使用了该方法学,但我对这个庞大而非常重要的主题仅是基本知识。 ,在极少数的情况下,当我阅读有关生物有机反应机理的论文时,我感到不足够。我们所有人都知道,如今,任何科学家都无法掌握太多的材料。不过,例如,如果需要的话在一个研究项目中,机械,物理甚至是合成有机化学家在使用自由能关系方面将变得更加流利?当我们向本科生和研究生教授该材料时,什么是很好的资源?我相信这两个问题的答案都在本书中:《有机和生物有机化学中的自由能关系》。肯特大学(英格兰)的安德鲁·威廉姆斯(Andrew Williams)还写了三本书,并研究了有机和生物有机机理。反应近40年。



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