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Personalized medicine in non-small-cell lung cancer: has it come of age?


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In his editorial on the landmark study of Schiller et al. in the New England Journal of Medicine, Carney stated that chemotherapy in advanced lung cancer had reached a plateau and that the use of specific biologic targets would offer optimism and hope that mortality from this disease may be reduced [l]. Approximately 10 years later the landscape of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has changed significantly and his optimism was confirmed. Even though chemotherapy still remains the backbone for most of our patients, a substantial number of patients receive small molecules with a different mode of action offering them much greater and longer benefit compared with chemotherapy. The identification of mutations in the EGFR in 2004 and the proof that these mutations are associated with an increased sensitivity of the tumor to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) [2] became the first, and so far greatest, step towards personalized therapy in NSCLC. It took some years to prove the first case reports in randomized prospective trials, but today there is no doubt that the presence of an activating EGFR mutation is a strong prognostic and predictive marker in NSCLC. The biology of the mutated tumor is so different from common NSCLC that it should be considered to regard this disease as a new entity of lung cancer. The results of a variety of clinical trials that showed a highly increased efficacy of EGFR-TKI compared with conventional chemotherapy in patients harboring activating EGFR mutations led to routine testing for EGFR mutations in patients with advanced NSCLC. The question of which patients are to be screened and when they should be screened is still under discussion and will show differences in various regions. However, there is a consensus that, in general, screening for EGFR mutations should be offered to patients with non-squamous cell NSCLC.
机译:在他对席勒等人具有里程碑意义的研究的社论中。卡尼在《新英格兰医学杂志》上指出,晚期肺癌的化学疗法已经达到了平稳阶段,使用特定的生物靶标将使人们感到乐观,并希望可以降低这种疾病的死亡率[1]。大约10年后,非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的格局发生了重大变化,他的乐观态度得到了证实。尽管化学疗法仍然是我们大多数患者的骨干力量,但与化学疗法相比,仍有相当多的患者接受具有不同作用方式的小分子,从而为他们提供更大,更长远的益处。 2004年在EGFR中鉴定出突变,并证明这些突变与肿瘤对EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(TKIs)的敏感性增加有关[2],是迄今为止朝着NSCLC个性化治疗迈出的第一步,也是迄今为止最大的一步。在随机的前瞻性试验中,花了数年时间证明了第一例病例报告,但是今天毫无疑问,激活的EGFR突变的存在是NSCLC的强大预后和预测指标。突变肿瘤的生物学特性与普通NSCLC完全不同,因此应考虑将该疾病视为肺癌的新实体。各种临床试验的结果表明,与常规化学疗法相比,在具有激活的EGFR突变的患者中EGFR-TKI的疗效大大提高,导致对晚期NSCLC患者进行EGFR突变的常规检测。关于要筛查哪些患者以及何时应该筛查的问题仍在讨论中,并且将显示出各个地区的差异。但是,人们普遍认为,通常应向非鳞状细胞NSCLC患者提供EGFR突变的筛查。



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