首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism: Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism >Capillary transit time heterogeneity and flow-metabolism coupling after traumatic brain injury.

Capillary transit time heterogeneity and flow-metabolism coupling after traumatic brain injury.


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Most patients who die after traumatic brain injury (TBI) show evidence of ischemic brain damage. Nevertheless, it has proven difficult to demonstrate cerebral ischemia in TBI patients. After TBI, both global and localized changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) are observed, depending on the extent of diffuse brain swelling and the size and location of contusions and hematoma. These changes vary considerably over time, with most TBI patients showing reduced CBF during the first 12?hours after injury, then hyperperfusion, and in some patients vasospasms before CBF eventually normalizes. This apparent neurovascular uncoupling has been ascribed to mitochondrial dysfunction, hindered oxygen diffusion into tissue, or microthrombosis. Capillary compression by astrocytic endfeet swelling is observed in biopsies acquired from TBI patients. In animal models, elevated intracranial pressure compresses capillaries, causing redistribution of capillary flows into patterns argued to cause functional shunting of oxygenated blood through the capillary bed. We used a biophysical model of oxygen transport in tissue to examine how capillary flow disturbances may contribute to the profound changes in CBF after TBI. The analysis suggests that elevated capillary transit time heterogeneity can cause critical reductions in oxygen availability in the absence of 'classic' ischemia. We discuss diagnostic and therapeutic consequences of these predictions.
机译:大多数在颅脑外伤(TBI)后死亡的患者显示出缺血性脑损伤的证据。然而,已证明难以证明TBI患者的脑缺血。 TBI后,根据弥散性脑肿胀程度以及挫伤和血肿的大小和位置,可以观察到脑血流(CBF)的整体和局部变化。这些变化随时间变化很大,大多数TBI患者在受伤后的最初12小时内表现出CBF降低,然后是高灌注,并且在某些患者中,在CBF最终恢复正常之前出现了血管痉挛。这种明显的神经血管解偶联已归因于线粒体功能障碍,阻碍氧扩散进入组织或微血栓形成。在从TBI患者获得的活检中观察到星形胶质细胞吞噬肿胀引起的毛细血管压迫。在动物模型中,颅内压升高会压缩毛细血管,导致毛细血管血流重新分布成各种形态,据称会引起通过毛细血管床的含氧血液功能性分流。我们使用了组织中氧气传输的生物物理模型来检查毛细血管流动扰动可能如何导致TBI后CBF的深刻变化。分析表明,在没有“经典”缺血的情况下,毛细血管运输时间异质性的升高会导致氧气利用率的严重降低。我们讨论了这些预测的诊断和治疗后果。


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