首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism: Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism >Positron emission tomography (15O)water studies with short interscan interval for single-subject and group analysis: influence of background subtraction.

Positron emission tomography (15O)water studies with short interscan interval for single-subject and group analysis: influence of background subtraction.


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Use of short interscan interval [15O]water positron emission tomography (PET) studies reduces the overall study duration and may allow an increased number of scans for single-subject analysis of unique cases (e.g., stroke). The purpose of this study was to examine how subtraction of residual radioactivity from the previous injection (corrected scan) compared to nonsubtraction (uncorrected scan) in a PET short interscan interval (6 minutes) study affects single-subject and group data analysis using a motor activation task. Two currently widely used analytic strategies, Worsley's method and the SPM technique, were applied. Excellent agreement between activation maps obtained from corrected and uncorrected data sets was obtained both in single-subject analyses performed on data sets from the six normal subjects and three stroke (subcortical infarct) patients, and in group analysis (six normal subjects) within a particular statistical method. The corrected and uncorrected data were very similar in the (1) number of activated brain regions; (2) size of clusters of activated brain voxels; (3) Talairach coordinates of the activated region; and (4) t or Z value of the peak intensity for every significantly activated motor brain structure (both for large activations such as in motor cortex and small activations such as in putamen and thalamus). [15O]Water PET data obtained with a short interscan interval (6 minutes) produce similar results whether or not the background is subtracted. Thus, if injection dose and timing are constant, one can achieve the advantage of a short interscan interval without the added complexity of correcting for background radioactivity.
机译:使用较短的扫描间间隔[15O]水正电子发射断层扫描(PET)研究可以减少总体研究时间,并且可以增加对独特病例(例如中风)的单主题分析的扫描次数。这项研究的目的是研究在PET短扫描间隔(6分钟)研究中减去前次注射(校正扫描)的残留放射性与未扣除(未校正扫描)相比如何影响使用马达进行的单受试者和组数据分析激活任务。应用了两种当前广泛使用的分析策略,即Worsley方法和SPM技术。在对六名正常受试者和三名中风(皮层下梗死)患者的数据集进行的单项分析中,以及在一特定组内的小组分析(六名正常受试者)中,从校正和未校正的数据集获得的激活图之间均获得了极好的一致性。统计方法。校正后的数据和未校正后的数据在(1)激活的大脑区域数量上非常相似; (2)活化的大脑体素簇的大小; (3)激活区的Talairach坐标; (4)每个显着激活的运动脑结构的峰值强度的t或Z值(对于较大的激活(例如在运动皮层中)和较小的激活(例如在壳状核和丘脑中)都是如此)。无论是否扣除背景,以较短的内部扫描间隔(6分钟)获得的[15O]水PET数据都会产生相似的结果。因此,如果注射剂量和时间是恒定的,则可以实现短扫描间隔的优点,而无需增加校正背景放射性的复杂性。



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