
Cerebral blood flow autoregulation in experimental liver failure.


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Patients with acute liver failure (ALF) display impairment of cerebral blood flow (CBF) autoregulation, which may contribute to the development of fatal intracranial hypertension, but the pathophysiological mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we examined whether loss of liver mass causes impairment of CBF autoregulation. Four rat models were chosen, each representing different aspects of ALF: galactosamine (GlN) intoxication represented liver necrosis, 90% hepatectomy (PHx90) represented reduction in liver mass, portacaval anastomosis (PCA) represented shunting of blood/toxins into the systemic circulation thus mimicking intrahepatic shunting in ALF, PCA+NH(3) provided information about the additional effects of hyperammonemia Rats were intubated and sedated with pentobarbital. We measured CBF with laser Doppler, intracranial pressure (ICP) was measured in the fossa posterior and registered with a pressure transducer, brain water was measured using the wet-to-dry method, and cerebral glutamine/glutamate was measured enzymatically. The CBF autoregulatory index in both the GlN and PHx90 groups differed significantly from the control group. Conversely, CBF autoregulation was intact in the PCA and PCA+NH(3) groups despite high arterial ammonia, high cerebral glutamine concentration, and increased CBF and ICP. Increased water content of the brainstem or cerebellum was not associated with defective CBF autoregulation. In conclusion, impairment of CBF autoregulation is not caused by brain edema/high ICP. Nor does portacaval shunting or hyperammonemia impair autoregulation. Rather, massive liver necrosis and reduced liver mass are associated with loss of CBF autoregulation.
机译:急性肝衰竭(ALF)患者显示出脑血流(CBF)自动调节功能受损,可能导致致命性颅内高压的发展,但其病理生理机制仍不清楚。在这项研究中,我们检查了肝脏质量的丧失是否会导致CBF自律调节受损。选择了四个大鼠模型,每个模型代表ALF的不同方面:半乳糖胺(GlN)中毒代表肝脏坏死,90%肝切除术(PHx90)代表肝脏肿块减少,门腔吻合术(PCA)代表血液/毒素进入全身循环,因此PCA + NH(3)模仿ALF中的肝内分流,提供了有关高氨血症的其他作用的信息。将大鼠插管并用戊巴比妥镇静。我们用激光多普勒仪测量脑血流量,在颅后窝测量颅内压(ICP),并在压力传感器上进行记录,使用干湿法测量脑水,并通过酶法测量脑谷氨酰胺/谷氨酸。 GlN和PHx90组的CBF自动调节指数均与对照组显着不同。相反,尽管高动脉血氨,高脑谷氨酰胺浓度以及CBF和ICP升高,PCA和PCA + NH(3)组中的CBF自动调节仍然完整。脑干或小脑中水含量的增加与CBF自动调节不良无关。总之,脑水肿/ ICP升高并非导致脑血流自动调节障碍。门腔分流或高氨血症也不会损害自动调节。相反,大量的肝坏死和减少的肝脏质量与脑血流自动调节的丧失有关。



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