首页> 外文期刊>Journal of child psychology and psychiatry >Annual research review: The experience of youth with political conflict - Challenging notions of resilience and encouraging research refinement

Annual research review: The experience of youth with political conflict - Challenging notions of resilience and encouraging research refinement


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Aims and method Drawing on empirical studies and literature reviews, this paper aims to clarify and qualify the relevance of resilience to youth experiencing political conflict. It focuses on the discordance between expectations of widespread dysfunction among conflict-affected youth and a body of empirical evidence that does not confirm these expectations. Findings The expectation for widespread dysfunction appears exaggerated, relying as it does on low correlations and on presumptions of universal response to adversity. Such a position ignores cultural differences in understanding and responding to adversity, and in the specific case of political conflict, it does not account for the critical role of ideologies and meaning systems that underlie the political conflict and shape a young people's interpretation of the conflict, and their exposure, participation, and processing of experiences. With respect to empirical evidence, the findings must be viewed as tentative given the primitive nature of research designs: namely, concentration on violence exposure as the primary risk factor, at the expense of recognizing war's impact on the broader ecology of youth's lives, including disruptions to key economic, social, and political resources; priority given to psychopathology in the assessment of youth functioning, rather than holistic assessments that would include social and institutional functioning and fit with cultural and normative expectations and transitions; and heavy reliance on cross-sectional, rather than longitudinal, studies. Conclusions Researchers and practitioners interested in employing resilience as a guiding construct will face such questions: Is resilience predicated on evidence of competent functioning across the breadth of risks associated with political conflict, across most or all domains of functioning, and/or across time? In reality, youth resilience amidst political conflict is likely a complex package of better and poorer functioning that varies over time and in direct relationship to social, economic, and political opportunities. Addressing this complexity will complicate the definition of resilience, but it confronts the ambiguities and limitations of work in cross-cultural contexts. ? 2013 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ? 2013 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
机译:目的和方法本文通过实证研究和文献综述,旨在阐明和确定韧性对经历政治冲突的青年的相关性。它着重于受冲突影响的年轻人对广泛功能障碍的期望与无法证实这些期望的大量经验证据之间的不一致。研究结果对广泛功能障碍的期望似乎夸大了,因为它依赖于低相关性和对逆境的普遍反应的推定。这种立场忽略了在理解和应对逆境中的文化差异,在政治冲突的具体情况下,它并没有说明意识形态和意义系统的重要作用,而意识形态和意义系统是政治冲突的基础,并塑造了年轻人对冲突的解释,以及他们的曝光,参与和经验处理。关于经验证据,鉴于研究设计的原始性质,必须将研究结果视为试验性的:即,将注意力集中在暴力暴露上作为主要风险因素,以牺牲承认战争对青年生活的更广泛生态(包括破坏)的影响为代价获取主要的经济,社会和政治资源;在评估青年人的机能时优先考虑精神病理学,而不是包括社会和机构机能并符合文化和规范性期望与过渡的整体评估;并且严重依赖横断面研究,而不是纵向研究。结论有兴趣将复原力用作指导性构造的研究人员和从业人员将面临以下问题:复原力是否基于胜任力的证据而定,胜任力是在与政治冲突相关的各种风险,跨大多数或所有职能范围和/或跨时间的职能上发挥作用的证据?实际上,青年人在政治冲突中的应变能力可能是一整套功能完善的,功能更佳和更差的功能,它们随着时间的流逝以及与社会,经济和政治机会的直接关系而变化。解决这种复杂性将使弹性的定义变得复杂,但是它面临着跨文化背景下工作的含糊和局限性。 ? 2013作者。儿童心理学与精神病学杂志? 2013年儿童和青少年心理健康协会。



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