首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia >United States practice patterns in the use of transesophageal echocardiography during adult liver transplantation

United States practice patterns in the use of transesophageal echocardiography during adult liver transplantation


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Objective To characterize contemporary practice patterns in the use of transesophageal echocardiography during adult liver transplantation and to identify factors preventing more frequent use. Design Online questionnaire. Setting Liver transplantation centers in the United States performing 12 or more adult liver transplants in 2011. Participants One representative from each qualifying center: The transplant anesthesiology director, a transplant anesthesiologist personally known to the authors, or the department of anesthesiology chair. Interventions Three e-mail attempts were made to solicit participation in the study between June and August 2012. Measurements and Main Results Of the 97 institutions identified, an anesthesiologist from each of 79 (81.4%) centers completed the questionnaire; 38.0% of centers reported routine use and 57.0% for special circumstances or rescue situations, yielding an overall use rate of 94.9%. This distribution was consistent regardless of operative volume, practice size, or academic affiliation. The sole factor predictive of routine transesophageal echocardiography use was an overlap between an institution's cardiac and transplant anesthesiology teams. In practices not routinely employing the technology, the most compelling reason was a sense that it was not necessary. Although 69.9% of transplant anesthesiologists reportedly were proficient in echocardiography, inadequate anesthesiologist training was also a strongly cited hindrance. Conclusions Transesophageal echocardiography during adult liver transplantation in the United States has become widely prevalent, with notable growth in its use as a routine diagnostic and monitoring modality. Almost all institutions now use the technology at least occasionally, with the participation of cardiac anesthesiologists being predictive of a center's routine use.
机译:目的探讨成人肝移植中经食道超声心动图检查的当代实践模式,并找出妨碍更频繁使用的因素。设计在线问卷。 2011年,美国在美国建立了肝移植中心,进行了12次或更多次成人肝移植。参与者每个合格中心的一位代表:移植麻醉学主任,作者亲自认识的移植麻醉学专家或麻醉学系主任。干预措施在2012年6月至2012年8月之间,进行了3​​次电子邮件尝试以征集参与性。测量和主要结果在所确定的97个机构中,来自79个中心(81.4%)的麻醉中心的专家完成了问卷。 38.0%的中心报告了常规使用,在特殊情况下或救援情况下报告了57.0%,总使用率为94.9%。无论手术量,手术规模或学术背景如何,该分布都是一致的。预测常规经食管超声心动图检查使用的唯一因素是该机构的心脏和移植麻醉科之间存在重叠。在非常规使用该技术的实践中,最令人信服的原因是认为没有必要。虽然据报道有69.9%的移植麻醉医师精通超声心动图检查,但麻醉医师培训不足也是一个被强烈提及的障碍。结论在美国成人肝移植过程中,经食道超声心动图检查已广泛普及,其作为常规诊断和监测手段的使用显着增加。现在,几乎所有机构都至少偶尔使用该技术,而心脏麻醉医师的参与预示了该中心的常规使用。



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