首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia >Chronic pressure-overload hypertrophy attenuates vortex formation time in patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved left ventricular systolic function undergoing aortic valve replacement

Chronic pressure-overload hypertrophy attenuates vortex formation time in patients with severe aortic stenosis and preserved left ventricular systolic function undergoing aortic valve replacement


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Objective: Transmitral blood flow produces a vortex ring that enhances the hydraulic efficiency of early left ventricular (LV) filling. The effect of pressure-overload hypertrophy on the duration of LV vortex ring formation (vortex formation time [VFT]) is unknown. The current investigation tested the hypothesis that chronic LV pressure-overload hypertrophy produced by severe aortic stenosis (AS) reduces VFT in patients with preserved LV systolic function undergoing aortic valve replacement. Design: Observational study. Setting: Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Participants: After the Institutional Review Board's approval, 8 patients (7 men and 1 woman; age, 62±5 y; and ejection fraction, 59%±5%) with AS (peak pressure gradient, 81±22 mmHg; aortic valve area, 0.78±0.25 cm2) scheduled for aortic valve replacement were compared with 8 patients (all men; age, 63±3 y; and ejection fraction, 60%±7%) without AS undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: Under general anesthesia, peak early LV filling (E) and atrial systole (A) blood flow velocities and their corresponding velocity-time integrals were obtained using pulse-wave Doppler echocardiography to determine E/A and atrial filling fraction (β). Mitral valve diameter (D) was calculated as the average of minor and major axis lengths obtained in the midesophageal bicommissural and long-axis transesophageal echocardiography imaging planes, respectively. Posterior wall thickness (PWT) was measured at end-diastole using M-mode echocardiography. VFT was calculated as 4×(1-β)×SV/πD3, where SV = stroke volume measured using thermodilution. Systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics, LV diastolic function, PWT, and VFT were determined during steady-state conditions 30 minutes before cardiopulmonary bypass. Early LV filling was attenuated in patients with AS (eg, E/A, 0.77±0.11 compared with 1.23±0.13; β, 0.43±0.09 compared with 0.35±0.02; p0.05 for each). LV hypertrophy was observed (PWT, 1.4±0.1 cm compared with 1.1±0.2 cm; p0.05) and VFT was lower (3.0±0.9 v 4.3±0.5; p0.05) in patients with versus without AS. Linear regression analysis showed a significant correlation between VFT and PWT (VFT = -2.57 ×PWT + 6.81; r2 = 0.345; p = 0.017). Conclusion: The results indicated that pressure-overload hypertrophy produced by AS reduced VFT in patients with normal LV systolic function undergoing aortic valve replacement.
机译:目的:透射血流产生涡流环,可增强早期左心室(LV)充盈的液压效率。压力超负荷肥大对LV涡旋环形成的持续时间(涡旋形成时间[VFT])的影响尚不清楚。当前的研究检验了以下假设:严重的主动脉瓣狭窄(AS)引起的慢性左室压力超负荷肥大降低了保留主动脉瓣膜置换术的左室收缩功能的患者的VFT。设计:观察性研究。地点:退伍军人事务医疗中心。参与者:在机构审查委员会批准后,8例患者(7名男性和1名女性;年龄62±5岁;射血分数为59%±5%)伴有AS(峰值压力梯度为81±22 mmHg;主动脉瓣面积) ,将0.78±0.25 cm2)的计划用于主动脉瓣置换的患者与8例未经AS进行冠状动脉搭桥手术的患者(全部男性;年龄63±3 y;射血分数60%±7%)进行了比较。干预措施:无。测量和主要结果:在全身麻醉下,使用脉搏波多普勒超声心动图确定E / A和心房充盈分数(E)达到峰值早期LV充盈(E)和心室收缩(A)血流速度及其相应的速度时间积分。 β)。二尖瓣直径(D)计算为分别在食管中段双合瓣和长轴经食道超声心动图成像平面中获得的短轴和长轴的平均值。使用M型超声心动图在舒张末期测量后壁厚度(PWT)。 VFT计算为4×(1-β)×SV /πD3,其中SV =使用热稀释法测得的行程量。在体外循环前30分钟的稳态条件下测定全身和肺部血流动力学,左室舒张功能,PWT和VFT。 AS患者的早期LV充盈减弱(例如,E / A,0.77±0.11,相比之下1.23±0.13;β,0.43±0.09,相比之下,0.35±0.02;每个p <0.05)。与没有AS的患者相比,观察到LV肥大(PWT,1.4±0.1 cm,而1.1±0.2 cm; p <0.05),VFT较低(3.0±0.9 v 4.3±0.5; p <0.05)。线性回归分析显示VFT与PWT之间存在显着相关性(VFT = -2.57×PWT + 6.81; r2 = 0.345; p = 0.017)。结论:结果表明,AS产生的压力超负荷肥大降低了接受主动脉瓣置换的LV收缩功能正常的患者的VFT。



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