首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation >Cigarette smoking shortens the duration of daily leisure time physical activity in patients with intermittent claudication.

Cigarette smoking shortens the duration of daily leisure time physical activity in patients with intermittent claudication.


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PURPOSE: The authors determined (1) whether peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) patients who smoke have a reduction in either the duration or intensity of daily physical activities compared with nonsmoking patients, and (2) whether group differences in the pattern of physical activity persisted after controlling for potential confounding variables. METHODS: A total of 170 smokers and 201 nonsmokers who had quit smoking for at least 1 year prior to investigation were studied. Physical activity patterns were measured using the Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity (LTPA) questionnaire. Patients also were characterized on potential covariates such as demographics, comorbid conditions, cardiovascular risk factors, ambulatory measures, peripheral hemodynamics, and anthropometric measures. RESULTS: The smokers were 37% less physically active than the nonsmokers (87 +/- 90 versus 139 +/- 121 kcal/day; P = 0.027). The reduced total LTPA in the smokers was due to a 28% shorter duration of performing activities (26 +/- 7 versus 36 +/- 22 min/day; P = 0.031), and a 3% lower mean intensity of the activities (3.3 +/- 1.0 versus 3.8 +/- 0.8 kcal/min; P = 0.038). The distance score on the Walking Impairment Questionnaire and the hip circumference were significant covariates of the LTPA measures. After adjusting for these covariates, the total LTPA remained 29% lower in the smokers (P = 0.039), the mean daily duration of LTPA remained 20% lower (P = 0.043), but the mean intensity of LTPA was no longer different between the groups. CONCLUSION: Compared with their nonsmoking counterparts, claudicants who smoke have a reduced total LTPA because they engage in activities of similar intensity for a shorter duration of time.
机译:目的:作者确定(1)与不吸烟的患者相比,吸烟的外周动脉闭塞性疾病(PAOD)患者的日常体育活动的持续时间或强度是否减少,以及(2)身体活动方式的群体差异是否在控制了潜在的混杂变量之后仍然存在。方法:共调查了170名吸烟者和201名不吸烟者,他们在调查前至少已戒烟一年。使用明尼苏达州休闲时间体育活动(LTPA)问卷测量了体育活动模式。还对患者进行了潜在协变量的表征,例如人口统计学,合并症,心血管危险因素,门诊量度,外周血流动力学和人体测量学。结果:吸烟者的身体活动量比不吸烟者低37%(87 +/- 90对139 +/- 121 kcal /天; P = 0.027)。吸烟者的总LTPA减少是由于进行活动的持续时间缩短了28%(26 +/- 7与36 +/- 22分钟/天; P = 0.031),以及平均活动强度降低了3%( 3.3 +/- 1.0与3.8 +/- 0.8 kcal / min; P = 0.038)。步行障碍调查表上的距离得分和髋围是LTPA量度的重要协变量。校正这些协变量后,吸烟者的总LTPA降低了29%(P = 0.039),平均每日LTPA持续时间降低了20%(P = 0.043),但是LTPA的平均强度在两个吸烟者之间不再存在差异。组。结论:与不吸烟的同伴相比,吸烟的同伴的总LTPA降低,因为他们从事相似强度的活动的时间较短。



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