首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia >Cetacaine-induced complication during transesophageal echocardiography placement.

Cetacaine-induced complication during transesophageal echocardiography placement.


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Cetacaine (Cetylite Industries, Pennsauken, NJ) is often used for topical anesthesia by cardiologists to facilitate transesoph-ageal echocardiography (TEE) probe insertion in awake patients. We are reporting a case of cetacaine-related complication, namely methemoglobinemia,1 which resulted in severe hypoxemia. Many nonanesthesiologists are not familiar with this potential complication and use this drug indiscriminately to anesthetize the pharynx for TEE placement2 and endoscopies.An 86-year-old woman, American Society of Anesthesiologists IV, with a history of aortic valve replacement, was admitted to the intensive care unit after pelvic exenteration for ovarian cancer. Postoperatively, she developed sepsis believed to be caused by seeding of her valvular prosthesis. To exclude endocarditis, a TEE was scheduled to be performed by the cardiologist. At the beginning of the procedure, fentanyl, 200 jag, was administered by the cardiology nurse followed by multiple applications of cetacaine spray.
机译:西他卡因(Cetylite Industries,Pennsauken,NJ)经常被心脏病专家用于局部麻醉,以促进清醒患者经食道超声心动图(TEE)探针的插入。我们正在报告一例与西他卡因有关的并发症,即高铁血红蛋白血症1,其导致严重的低氧血症。许多非麻醉医师不熟悉这种潜在的并发症,因此不加选择地使用这种药物来麻醉咽部进行TEE植入和内镜检查。一名86岁的美国麻醉医师学会会员,有主动脉瓣置换史,被准许接受麻醉。盆腔镜切除卵巢癌后的重症监护病房。术后,她发展出败血症,据认为是由瓣膜假体植入引起的。为了排除心内膜炎,心脏病专家计划进行一次TEE。在手术开始时,由心脏病学护士服用200毫克的芬太尼,然后多次施用西他卡因喷雾剂。



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