首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiology >Relations between strength and endurance of leg skeletal muscle and cardiopulmonary exercise testing parameters in patients with chronic heart failure.

Relations between strength and endurance of leg skeletal muscle and cardiopulmonary exercise testing parameters in patients with chronic heart failure.


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OBJECTIVES: The relations between muscle strength, muscle endurance, and cardiopulmonary parameters were investigated in patients with chronic heart failure. METHODS: The subjects comprised 33 outpatients with stable chronic heart failure (27 men, 6 women, mean age 60.3 +/- 12.7 years). A pedal-type isokinetic device was used throughout the study. The safety of the study protocol was examined first. Maximum muscle power (peak power), an index of muscle strength, was measured for 6 consecutive revolutions(3 revolutions of each leg). The strength decrement index (SDI) was measured for 20 consecutive maximal revolutions (10 revolutions in each leg). The SDI is an index of muscle endurance and compares the mean power for revolutions 9 and 10 with that for revolutions 2 and 3. Each subjects underwent symptom-limited cardiopulmonary exercise testing with a cycle ergometer on another day. RESULTS: No subject experienced continuous abnormal heart rate or blood pressure response, chest pain, ischemic ST-T change, or severe arrhythmia. The peak power and the SDI were correlated with the anaerobic threshold (r = 0.42, 0.52, respectively), with peak oxygen uptake (r = 0.66, 0.61), and with the increase in oxygen uptake per unit increase in work rate (r = 0.43, 0.63). However, the slope of the ventilation equivalent to carbon dioxide output was correlated only with the SDI (r = -0.54) and the time constant for the oxygen uptake decrease was correlated only with the peak power (r = -0.46). CONCLUSIONS: Peak functional capacity depends on both muscle strength and endurance, and subjective symptoms in daily activity, especially dyspnea on exertion, depend mainly on muscle endurance in patients with chronic heart failure.
机译:目的:研究慢性心力衰竭患者的肌肉力量,肌肉耐力和心肺参数之间的关系。方法:受试者包括33名患有稳定的慢性心力衰竭的门诊患者(27名男性,6名女性,平均年龄60.3 +/- 12.7岁)。在整个研究过程中都使用了踏板式等速装置。首先检查研究方案的安全性。在连续6次旋转(每条腿3次旋转)中测量最大肌肉力量(峰值力量),这是肌肉力量的指标。连续20次最大转数(每条腿转10圈)测量强度降低指数(SDI)。 SDI是肌肉耐力的指标,将第9和10圈的平均力量与第2和第3圈的平均力量进行比较。每位受试者在另一天都进行了用自行车测力计进行的症状受限的心肺运动测试。结果:没有受试者经历持续的异常心率或血压反应,胸痛,缺血性ST-T改变或严重的心律不齐。峰值功率和SDI与厌氧阈值(分别为r = 0.42,0.52),峰值吸氧量(r = 0.66,0.61)和单位工作速率下吸氧量的增加相关(r = 0.43、0.63)。但是,等效于二氧化碳输出的通风斜率仅与SDI相关(r = -0.54),而减少氧气吸收的时间常数仅与峰值功率相关(r = -0.46)。结论:峰值功能能力取决于肌肉力量和耐力,而日常活动中的主观症状,尤其是劳累性呼吸困难,主要取决于慢性心力衰竭患者的肌肉耐力。



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