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On the Innovation Path for Supply Chain Tech


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Some old technologies have a new face while new technologies keep finding their way into supply chain applications. Supply chain technology is on the move in more ways than one. Not only is there growth in the type of mobile technology being used, mature technologies are also on the road to innovation. Mature is a relative term when it comes to mobile technologies. What happens in months in the consumer market may happen in years on the industrial side. That's not to say the technology doesn't keep advancing, but purchases on the business-to-business side may bypass a generation or two of updates. Psion hopes to enable easier upgrades for users. It has recently released a series of modular rugged mobile devices allowing customers to swap out modules in the devices, rather than having to replace the whole device. In years past, according to Mike Wills, vice president of North American Sales at Psion, it was not uncommon for customers in the supply chain business to get seven to nine years of useful life out of a terminal before making a commitment to move to the next generation platform. "By then, they could have skipped one, maybe even two, generational iterations of products within that classification," he states. However, these days, there are a lot of forces that are collapsing and consolidating the long life-cycle customers once got from these investments.
机译:一些旧技术有了新面孔,而新技术不断在供应链应用中找到自己的方式。供应链技术的发展途径不止一种。使用的移动技术不仅在增长,而且成熟的技术也在创新之路上。对于移动技术,成熟是相对的术语。在消费市场上,数月之内发生的事情在工业方面可能要数年之内发生。这并不是说该技术不会不断发展,但是在企业对企业方面的购买可能会绕过一两个更新。 Psion希望为用户提供更轻松的升级。它最近发布了一系列坚固耐用的模块化移动设备,使客户可以更换设备中的模块,而不必更换整个设备。根据Psion北美销售副总裁Mike Wills的说法,在过去的几年中,对于供应链业务中的客户来说,在承诺转移到该终端之前,要从终端中获得七到九年的使用寿命并不罕见。下一代平台。他说:“到那时,他们可能已经跳过了该分类中产品的一代,甚至两次迭代。”但是,这些天来,一旦从这些投资中获得了长久的生命周期客户,许多力量正在崩溃和巩固。



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