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IT Firms Merge Physical and Fiscal Capabilities


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The announced merger of GT Nexus and TradeCard will provide size and scope to expand their cloud offerings. The market for cloud-based solutions and networks that can support global supply chains is coming around and getting more "push" from the C level, observes Greg Kefer, vice president of marketing for GT Nexus. As such, there is more demand for the networks to support both the physical and fiscal sides of the supply chain flows. "Suddenly you've got that instant access to all this information that's all over the world. Previously, it has been scattered, unsecure, unlocked and fragmented," he continues. "The game is information and the game is networks. And while I think the capabilities of the software from the two companies are robust and proven, what's really interesting is the network. That's the game we're in."
机译:GT Nexus和TradeCard宣布的合并将提供规模和范围,以扩展其云产品。 GT Nexus营销副总裁Greg Kefer指出,支持全球供应链的基于云的解决方案和网络市场不断涌现,并且从C级获得了更多“推动力”。因此,对网络的需求越来越大,以支持供应链流程的实体和财政方面。他继续说:“突然之间,您就可以立即访问全世界的所有信息。以前,它是分散的,不安全的,未锁定的和分散的。” “游戏是信息,游戏是网络。虽然我认为两家公司的软件功能强大且经过验证,但真正有趣的是网络。这就是我们所从事的游戏。”



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