首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: The International Journal of Theoredtical and Basic Aspects of Adhesion Science and Its Applications in All Areas of Technology >Degree of conversion and adhesion of methacrylate-based resin cements with phosphonic or phosphoric acid acrylate to glass fiber posts at different regions of intraradicular dentin

Degree of conversion and adhesion of methacrylate-based resin cements with phosphonic or phosphoric acid acrylate to glass fiber posts at different regions of intraradicular dentin


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This study evaluated the degree of conversion (DC) and adhesion of methacrylate-based resin cements to glass fiber posts at different regions of intraradicular dentin. Single-rooted teeth (N=24, n=12 per group) were cut at the cement-enamel junction (CEJ), endodontically treated and post space (depth=8 mm) was prepared. Teeth were randomly divided into two groups according to the resin cements: (a) Group ML: methacrylate-based cement with phosphonic acid acrylate (Multilink Automix, Ivoclar Vivadent); (b) Group RXU: methacrylate-based cement with phosphoric acid acrylate (RelyX Unicem 2 Automix, 3 M ESPE). Fiber-reinforced composite root posts (RelyX Fiber Post, 3M ESPE) were cemented according to the manufacturers' instructions of the resin cements. Root slices of 2-mm thickness (n=3 per tooth) were cut below the CEJ 1, 3, and 5 mm apically. The DC of each section was analyzed with micro-Raman spectrometer and push-out test was performed in the Universal Testing Machine (0.5mm/min). After debonding, all specimens were analyzed using optical microscope to categorize the failure modes. While data (MPa) were statistically evaluated using Kruskal Wallis, Mann-Whitney U tests for DC data 3-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests were used (=0.05). Regardless of the resin cement type, the mean push-out bond strength results (MPa), were significantly higher for the coronal slices (ML: 9.1 +/- 2.7; RXU: 7.3 +/- 4.1) than those of the most apical ones (ML: 7 +/- 4.9; RXU: 2.89 +/- 1.5) (p=0.002). Resin cement type and (p<0.001) root level (p=0.002) significantly affected the DC values, while the interaction terms were not significant (p=0.606). Overall, DC was significantly higher for ML (67 +/- 8.2%) than RXU (26 +/- 8.8%) (p<0.001). Adhesive failures at the cement-dentin interface were more commonly experienced in RXU than in ML, whereas ML presented more incidences of adhesive failures at the cement-post interface. Considering the push-out bond strength, DC and failure types, methacrylate-based cement with phosphonic acid acrylate should be preferred to those containing phosphoric acid to adhere glass fiber posts in the root canal.
机译:这项研究评估了甲基丙烯酸酯基树脂胶粘剂在根管内牙本质不同区域的玻璃纤维桩的转化度(DC)和附着力。在水泥-牙釉质交界处切开单根牙齿(N = 24,每组n = 12),进行牙髓治疗并准备后牙间隙(深度= 8mm)。根据树脂粘固剂,牙齿被随机分为两组:(a)ML组:基于甲基丙烯酸的粘固剂与膦酸丙烯酸酯(Multilink Automix,Ivoclar Vivadent); (b)RXU组:甲基丙烯酸酯基水泥和磷酸丙烯酸酯(RelyX Unicem 2 Automix,3 M ESPE)。纤维增强复合材料根桩(RelyX Fiber Post,3M ESPE)根据树脂胶粘剂的制造商说明进行胶粘。在CEJ的1、3和5毫米以下切掉2毫米厚的根片(每颗牙齿n = 3)。用显微拉曼光谱仪分析每个部分的DC,并在通用试验机(0.5mm / min)中进行推出测试。脱胶后,使用光学显微镜对所有样品进行分析以对破坏模式进行分类。尽管使用Kruskal Wallis对数据(MPa)进行了统计评估,但使用了Mann-Whitney U检验进行DC数据的三向ANOVA和Tukey检验(= 0.05)。无论树脂胶粘剂的类型如何,冠状切片的平均推出粘结强度结果(MPa)均显着高于最顶端的切片(ML:9.1 +/- 2.7; RXU:7.3 +/- 4.1) (ML:7 +/- 4.9; RXU:2.89 +/- 1.5)(p = 0.002)。树脂水泥类型和(p <0.001)根水平(p = 0.002)显着影响DC值,而相互作用项则不显着(p = 0.606)。总体而言,ML的DC(67 +/- 8.2%)显着高于RXU(26 +/- 8.8%)(p <0.001)。在RXU中,与ML相比,水泥-牙本质界面处的粘合破坏更普遍,而ML则在水泥与立柱界面处出现了更多的粘合破坏。考虑到推出强度,DC和破坏类型,与含磷酸的甲基丙烯酸酯基水泥相比,含磷酸的丙烯酸酯基水泥应更优选,以将玻璃纤维桩粘附在根管中。


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