首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: The International Journal of Theoredtical and Basic Aspects of Adhesion Science and Its Applications in All Areas of Technology >Effect of the frequency of mechanical pulses for fatigue aging testing on push-out bond strength between glass fiber posts and root dentin

Effect of the frequency of mechanical pulses for fatigue aging testing on push-out bond strength between glass fiber posts and root dentin


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the frequency of mechanical pulses during mechanical fatigue aging on bond strength between glass fiber posts and root dentin. Fiber posts were adhesively cemented in 30 bovine roots and the core was built up with composite. All specimens were subjected to mechanical cycling (45 degrees angle; 37 degrees C; 50N; 2x10(6) pulses) at different frequencies: 2, 4, and 8Hz. After the fatigue, each specimen was submitted to push out test. The bond strength was calculated for data analysis (one-way ANOVA, p=0.05). The frequency did not affect the push-out (p=0.7). The main failure mode was between dentin and cement in all groups. The mechanical pulses were not influenced by the bond strength between root dentin and fiber posts. Thus, it is possible to decrease the time-consuming in vitro tests involving posts without damaging the reliability of the test.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估机械疲劳老化过程中机械脉冲的频率对玻璃纤维桩与牙本质牙本质之间的粘结强度的影响。将纤维桩粘合在30个牛的根中,并用复合材料制成芯。所有样本均以不同的频率(2、4和8Hz)进行机械循环(45度角; 37度; 50N; 2x10(6)脉冲)。疲劳后,将每个样品送入推出试验。计算结合强度以进行数据分析(单向方差分析,p = 0.05)。频率不影响推出(p = 0.7)。在所有组中,主要的破坏模式是在牙本质和水泥之间。机械脉冲不受牙本质牙本质和纤维桩之间的结合强度的影响。因此,可以减少耗时的涉及桩的体外测试,而不会损害测试的可靠性。


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