首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomolecular techniques :JBT. >Interactions between the cytomegalovirus promoter and the estrogen response element: implications for design of estrogen-responsive reporter plasmids.

Interactions between the cytomegalovirus promoter and the estrogen response element: implications for design of estrogen-responsive reporter plasmids.


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We aimed to produce an estrogen-responsive reporter plasmid that would permit monitoring of estrogen receptor function in the uterus in vivo. The plasmid pBL-tk-CAT(+)ERE was induced by estrogen in bovine endometrial stromal cells. When the CAT gene was replaced by the secreted alkaline phosphatase SeAP, the resulting construct pBL-tk-SeAP(+)ERE remained estrogen responsive. However when the tk promoter was replaced by the cytomegalovirus (cmv) promoter, the resulting plasmid (pBL-cmv-SeAP(+)ERE) was not estrogen responsive. Inhibition of ERE function was not due to an effect in trans or due to lack of estrogen receptor. It was not due to an interaction between the cmv promoter and the SeAP gene. cmv promoter function was dependent on NF-kappaB, and mutagenesis in the NF-kappaB sites reduced basal reporter expression without imparting responsiveness to estrogen. A mutation in the TATA box also failed to impart estrogen responsiveness. Modeling of DNA accessibility indicated the ERE was inserted at a site accessible to transcription factors. We conclude that the cmv promoter inhibits ERE function in cis when the two sequences are located in the same construct, and that this effect does not involve an interaction between cmv and reporter gene, NF-kappaB sites or the TATA box, or DNA inaccessibility.
机译:我们的目标是生产一种雌激素反应性报道质粒,该质粒可以监测体内子宫中的雌激素受体功能。雌激素在牛子宫内膜基质细胞中诱导了质粒pBL-tk-CAT(+)ERE。当CAT基因被分泌的碱性磷酸酶SeAP取代时,所得的构建体pBL-tk-SeAP(+)ERE仍然具有雌激素反应性。但是,当tk启动子被巨细胞病毒(cmv)启动子替代时,所得质粒(pBL-cmv-SeAP(+)ERE)对雌激素没有反应。抑制ERE功能不是由于反式作用或由于缺乏雌激素受体。这不是由于cmv启动子和SeAP基因之间的相互作用。 cmv启动子功能取决于NF-kappaB,并且在NF-kappaB位点的诱变降低了基础报告基因的表达,而没有赋予对雌激素的响应性。 TATA盒中的突变也未能赋予雌激素响应性。 DNA可及性的模型表明ERE插入了转录因子可及的位点。我们得出的结论是,当两个序列位于同一构建体中时,cmv启动子会抑制顺式ERE功能,并且这种作用不涉及cmv与报告基因,NF-κB位点或TATA框或DNA不可及性之间的相互作用。



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