首页> 外文期刊>Journal of burn care & research: official publication of the American Burn Association >Use of acellular dermal replacement in reconstruction of nonhealing lower extremity wounds.

Use of acellular dermal replacement in reconstruction of nonhealing lower extremity wounds.


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Dermal templates are well established in the treatment of burn wounds and acute nonburn wounds. However, the literature regarding their use for reconstruction of chronic, nonhealing wounds is limited. This study describes a series of patients with chronic wounds reconstructed with a commercially available bilayer, acellular dermal replacement (ADR) containing a collagen-glycosaminoglycan dermal template and a silicone outer layer. A retrospective review was performed of 10 patients treated for chronic wounds with ADR and negative pressure dressing followed by split-thickness skin graft between July 2006 and January 2009. Data collected included age, gender, comorbidities, medications, wound type or location, wound size, the number of applications of ADR, the amount of ADR applied (in square centimeter), the amount of time between ADR placement and grafting, complications, need for reoperation, and percentage of graft take after 5 and 14 days. The mean age of study subjects was 44 years. All patients in the study had comorbidities that interfere with wound healing and were treated for lower extremity wounds (four to legs, five to ankles, and one to foot). The wounds had a variety of causative factors including venostasis ulcers (6, 60%), trauma in diabetic patients (2, 20%), brown recluse bite (1, 10%), and a wound caused from purpura fulminans (1, 10%). The average wound size and amount of ADR applied was 162+/-182 cm(2). Each patient required only one application of ADR. The average time between ADR placement and skin grafting was 36.5 days. The mean percentage of graft take at 5 days was 89.55%, 14 days was 90%, and 21 days was 87.3%. Only two patients required regrafting, and one of these grafts was lost because of patient noncompliance. ADR can be used successfully in the treatment of chronic wounds. ADR provides direct wound coverage and can conform to a variety of anatomical sites. This study demonstrates that the use of ADR in treating chronic wounds results in high rates of skin graft take. Favorable results were obtained despite the majority of patients having comorbidities that would normally interfere with wound healing.
机译:皮肤模板在烧伤创面和急性非烧伤创面的治疗中已确立。然而,关于它们用于重建慢性不愈合伤口的文献是有限的。这项研究描述了一系列慢性伤口患者,这些患者用市售的双层无细胞真皮替代物(ADR)重建,其中含有胶原蛋白-糖胺聚糖真皮模板和有机硅外层。回顾性分析了2006年7月至2009年1月间10例接受ADR和负压敷料治疗的慢性伤口患者,然后进行了厚皮移植。收集的数据包括年龄,性别,合并症,药物,伤口类型或位置,伤口大小,ADR的施用次数,ADR的施用量(以平方厘米为单位),ADR放置与移植之间的时间,并发症,再次手术的需要以及5天和14天后移植的百分比。研究对象的平均年龄为44岁。该研究中的所有患者都有合并症,会干扰伤口的愈合,并接受了下肢伤口的治疗(四到腿,五到脚踝和一脚)。伤口有多种致病因素,包括静脉稳态溃疡(6%,60%),糖尿病患者的创伤(2%,20%),棕色隐窝叮咬(1%,10%)以及由暴发性紫癜引起的伤口(1、10%) %)。平均伤口大小和施加的ADR量为162 +/- 182 cm(2)。每位患者仅需使用一次ADR。放置ADR和植皮之间的平均时间为36.5天。 5天移植物的平均百分比为89.55%,14天为90%,21天为87.3%。只有两名患者需要再植,而其中一位因患者的不依从而丢失。 ADR可以成功地用于治疗慢性伤口。 ADR可以直接覆盖伤口,并且可以适应多种解剖部位。这项研究表明,使用ADR治疗慢性伤口会导致高比例的皮肤移植。尽管大多数患者合并症通常会干扰伤口愈合,但仍获得了令人满意的结果。



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