首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials. >The effect of particle size on the osteointegration of injectable silicate-substituted calcium phosphate bone substitute materials

The effect of particle size on the osteointegration of injectable silicate-substituted calcium phosphate bone substitute materials


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Calcium phosphate (CaP) particles as a carrier in an injectable bone filler allows less invasive treatment of bony defects. The effect of changing granule size within a poloxamer filler on the osteointegration of silicate-substituted calcium phosphate (SiCaP) bone substitute materials was investigated in an ovine critical-sized femoral condyle defect model. Treatment group (TG) 1 consisted of SiCaP granules sized 1000-2000 μm in diameter (100 vol %). TG2 investigated a granule size of 250-500 μm (75 vol %), TG3 a granule size of 90-125 μm (75 vol %) and TG4 a granule size of 90-125 μm (50 vol %). Following a 4 and 8 week in vivo period, bone area, bone-implant contact, and remaining implant area were quantified within each defect. At 4 weeks, significantly increased bone formation was measured in TG2 (13.32% ± 1.38%) when compared with all other groups (p = 0.021 in all cases). Bone in contact with the bone substitute surface was also significantly higher in TG2. At 8 weeks most new bone was associated within defects containing the smallest granule size investigated (at the lower volume) (TG4) (42.78 ± 3.36%) however this group was also associated with higher amounts of fragmented SiCaP. These smaller particles were phagocytosed by macrophages and did not appear to have a negative influence on healing. In conclusion, SiCaP granules of 250-500 μm in size may be a more suitable scaffold when used as an injectable bone filler and may be a convenient method for treating bony defects.
机译:磷酸钙(CaP)颗粒作为可注射式骨填充剂中的载体,可减少对骨缺损的侵入性治疗。在绵羊临界尺寸的股骨con缺损模型中研究了泊洛沙姆填充剂中颗粒尺寸的变化对硅酸盐取代的磷酸钙(SiCaP)骨替代材料的骨整合的影响。治疗组(TG)1由直径为1000-2000μm(100体积%)的SiCaP颗粒组成。 TG2研究了250-500μm(75体积%)的粒度,TG3研究了90-125μm(75体积%)的粒度,TG4研究了90-125μm(50体积%)的粒度。在体内第4周和第8周后,对每个缺损内的骨面积,骨与种植体的接触以及剩余的种植体面积进行量化。与所有其他组相比,在第4周时,TG2中的骨形成明显增加(13.32%±1.38%)(在所有情况下p = 0.021)。 TG2中与骨替代物表面接触的骨骼也明显更高。在第8周时,大多数新骨与包含最小颗粒尺寸(较低体积)(TG4)(42.78±3.36%)的缺损相关,但是该组还与较高数量的碎裂SiCaP相关。这些较小的颗粒被巨噬细胞吞噬,似乎对愈合没有负面影响。总之,尺寸为250-500μm的SiCaP颗粒在用作可注射骨填充剂时可能是更合适的支架,并且可能是治疗骨缺损的便捷方法。



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